Friday, May 28, 2004
sin...evil ugly deadly sin...

Pride has been called the uglyest of all sin, Lucifer was cast down to the earth because of his pride...he thought he was better then God, the one who created him...pride, death stems from pride...from sin and the more I dig deep down into the root of all I do and all I am all I can see is the root of evil and sin...I so hard try to take the weeds with my own hands instead of letting God take it...attacking sin with sin...trying so hard to deal with my own problems...with my own mistakes...trying so hard to defeat my sin with my pride, to take the gift that Jesus has given me and pay for it pay for my sins onto of the price..the ultimate price Jesus paid...I have been so foolish...

but there is victory...

there is always victory...its just a matter of how long it takes you to get beyond your retardedness and see your sin for what it is and drop to your knees and cry out O FATHER WHAT HAVE I DONE?! To hand it ALL over to him and repent...not just a simple little meaningless "I repent of my sins" but a real turning away from your sins...thats what it is thats what repentence the turning away is it not?

The reson I bring this up...I have been very prideful...arrogent twords people, I'm trying so hard to get people to live properly when I can't even do it right...

I sinned against many people in my life, Cheska, Lexi, Rob just to name a few...guys I'm sorry and all I can do is ask for your forgivness...Jesus THE SON OF GOD didn't go around rebuking and acting rashly...he acted out of a love never seen before on this earth...he fed thousands...some even say tens of thousands late one night after a long run of ministry beforehand...after his followers..his close friends just wanted to go to stinken bed all because his heart was burdend for them...its time to re-evaluate what I'm doing and why I'm doing I living in compassion and love...or do I just want to see people "smarten up"? have I let my passion lead to pride and sin? yes. I'm forgiven only by the grace and mercies of an awe inspiring amazing loving awesome God...the thought of

the burden is heavy, as the cross know, I heard a quote that will stick with me for a long time...

When we're on the throne Jesus is on the cross, when we're on the cross Jesus is on the throne...

its time to truly die to my flesh...
to take up my cross...
I love you guys, I'm sorry if I have hurt you...
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Signed my life away...
not too long, just wanted to let yall know that I'm pretty sure I'm staying...CA or LP not sure it, I signed the Ministry Placement commitment yesterday and yeah...they might be doing another mini LP road for me...not sure at all, but I have the job, inventory manager :) Brad better watch out, I'll be his manager..thats crazy...I love that man and it would be such a blessing to work with him, funny thing is he'll be doing alot of teaching me lol...ah life is good...

now all I have to do is get this GE trip in so I can graduate...ah always cutting it close, ain't that what I'm best at? Yup, peace
Monday, May 24, 2004
A few things of note...
Monday, May 17, 2004
"Here, in this wonderful home, the four of us... Our true selves, we...

Monday, April 05, 2004
I'm not gonna take this bull crap anymore...

Tuesday, May 11, 2004
I promised that I'd continue the last post's ideas, goes...

Saturday, May 22, 2004

May 15, 2004
Holy Crap Nut... they changed Blogger AGAIN!!! WILL THEY STOP CHANGING IT!!!...

Monday, February 02, 2004

Saturday, May 08, 2004
jenny jean, jeffrey, melissa romero, and myself had prayed for the annointing over the boiler room...

Tuesday, April 20, 2004
so.... Idaho... i'm sure i can shake things up in that state...

Wednesday, May 12, 2004
It is cloudy today, but the typical and expected rain has not yet come. I love the rain, feeling each rain drop fall to the...

Tuesday, March 02, 2004
we need a Revelation of Gods Love and his Glory...

So, the point of all this? these are just a few of the lines I read alot of days when I realize that they haven't been updated in forever...why I check them? Who knows...:P UPDATE YOUR BLOGS!! I READ IT!! DO IT FOR ME!! :P Love ya all, this is your friendly reminder to updat your blog/LiveJournal/Xanga
*Runs into the lounge and attacks the computer in a mess of computer parts and blood, there is an explosion and dust flies everywhere...

then as the dust starts to clear the shadow of the victor can be seen, and it starts to take shape as Ashby walks through the parting cloud, massive cuts all over his body, blood and sweat staining his face....he looks to the next computer with an erie smirk*

"The next one of you who loses one of my posts won't get it so easy..."

*and the Ashby sits at the next computer...still peeved he just lost a whole 2 page was a good post too...a tear enters his eye at the thought of his lost post, they had been good friends once...but the computer ended it all...he hadn't even been able to hit the post button before it was all over...never too be seen again, he wailes in agony as the shattered dreams of what his post could have done wages in his mind then sudden;y he stops and looks at the computer screen in front of him...then looks to the murdered remains of the computers counterpart...*

um, I mean my last post was an awesome post...lost to the ages it is...but good news! since then I have woken up and uploaded my pictures from last nights adventure! yey! Let us take a look shall we?

So yesterday started off real nice, I woke up and got ready for church with much time aloted to make sure getting there on time was with much ease...unfotinatly my ride didn't have the same notion in mind...because as I walked into his room to see how his mourning was fairing I saw that indeed the whole room was still asleep...with fifteen mins to get to church this was not a good thing at all...but with a quickness that has only come with practice (this just so happends to be a regular occerance around these parts :P) my two coremates tossed on something to wair and we headed to the car to head to church...thus starting the days first of many fun times...

This picture taken just after we had replaced the flat on Ricky's car with the spare...o yes my friends we are late now :P Notice Chris and his mad skillz :P

So, we made it to church just in time for the sermen to start...YEY! And I learned that Christians "need to grow some testicals" ah, the lessons of life (the very fact that was ranted on in thine lost post...*sigh*)and all was good. Then as fate had dictated to us earlyer in the mourning, we had to head to Tyler to go get new tires for Rickys car O GREAT FUN YEY! lol, actually it wasn't too bad...spent lots of time in wal-mart waiting and waiting for the tires to be put on the dang car...lalala

and this my friends is my newest hero in my world of many heros...I mean who else can walk the world for as many years as he has and not have some punk kid stick him with a needle or something and blow the poor guy up...let me tell you my friends that nobody but the Michelin Man can stake that claim

Ah yes, the Pepsi that was aquired from the waiting area at the low low discount price of $.40!! O wait...thats American...sorry, not a great deal but a deal none the less!

and here we have Ricky looking very much like he's on his way to managing a Wal-Mart of his very own one day...we will see what the future brings yes...just remember this picture the next time your browsing Wal-Mart in the foregn country of New Hampture...or...however you spell it :P

So that was our fun in wal-mart..mostly making fun or Ricky and wandering around aimlessly looking for the lost Chris who just so claimed that he was in the auto department the whole time (of which we may never know the whole truth behind the mystery)

anyway then we headed back to campus..........BUUTTT not for long! With a quick pitstop to post my last post on here and email and stuff, I headed off to Tyler once again...this time with the intent of watching Shrek 2! YEY YEAH!!

So on our way to the movie place we (for some reason unsure to me) ventured into a sub-division where we saw the most amazing sight you will ever see in that to even look at it makes you think of better days away from this place...ah yes, it was in fact ...this...

Yes my friends, green full awesomely amzing wonderful not Texan GRASS!!! It was such an amazing sight that I don't think the camera did it justice at all...thus the reason for a very we desurved act of appreatation...

This note reads as the following:
"We just wanted to let you know that you have beautiful lush green grass. We don't have grass this great on campus.

Thank you for making our day better!
Cynthia, Megan, Chris, Ricky and Holly. Keep up the great lawn."

all written on a nice thank you card Cynthia just happend to have in her purse, we left if for the nice people next to thair dorr and we headed off to see the movie.

The movie was stinking AWESOME!! Not much else to say about that...Shrek 2 is a funny stinking movie that you should go see right...NOW! lol...

and then, with many hours left to our night and nothing better to do we headed to the Interns #1 hangout spot!! WAL-MART!!!!

We did a lot of, well nothing...looked at stuff, picked up a game of Skip-Bo to play later on..then as we where leaving we saw some hats and fun was had by all :P

Such amazing fun like this!

and even MORE fun with hats like this!

Lol, Holly got right into the groove of things with this hat :P

And Holy and Cynthia are discussing how awesome thair hats are...

and you know I had to get into it, pimp daddy style!

Ricky thinking he's all bad-like...:P

The Gang :)

Well then after our fun with the hats came to a halt we went to go buy our awesome game of Skip-Bo, but at the cash I just happend to see an awesome book and started reading it too a very attentive Holly, the book was entitled "Kittens"

Then we all went on our merry happy way and went to IHOP to play Skip-Bo and thus my story is concluded

The End
Sunday, May 23, 2004
"Sometimes I feel so alone..."
"I see what your doing to me
Could have been you so easily
But you look the other way, even though we were close the other day
And I'm still trying to get up this hill, I need you just like a pill
*ah* I've never felt this way before"

"you could never stop this feelin i've got inside of me
and you could never fill these shoes, cause i refuse to lose
i'm just ordinary me"

"Everyone is up in my face
Need to get outta this place
Its hard to see with you in front of my face
Just another perfect day
Acting like they wanna talk to me
So fake yet so friendly
My eyes can see even the back of me
Wont you just let me be...
It seems everyone is up in my space
Like it’s the American way
I run in case somebody takes my place
Just another change of pace
I know you think
You know a lot about me
But so many wanna doubt me
My eyes can see even the back of me
Wont you just let me be"

Pray for my guys, with so much going on in my heart its hard to see straight...I'm afraid of what the next few months are leading up too...afraid I'm not ready...

I'm going home...very soon I'm going home...3 months and I'm back in it...knee deep stuck in the mud of the world Father prepare me Father go before me, your word makes me tremble in fear for the challenge is far too much for me Father take it...I want to be hated if only too see Your name glorified, I want to be mocked if only too see You not mocked anymore...the would is calling me on, taunting the bully on the school yard it has all its friends crowded around me and I'm face to face with this world Father back me up on this one...Be there so I can stand tall and fight in your name....Lord I'm being called out of the comforts of this place...out into the battle I'm being tormented and teased...Lets show them who's boss here...
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
ok so the Risk post might not come...
and the "M" key bearly works to if this post is missing some m's don't be alarmed.

I'm on my break and I dunno, just in one of those moods ya know? One of those "people get away fro e" kinds moods, blah...not the funnest in the world, in fact i hate it alot...with a passion I do, I would tell you more but that would probably put e over my 15 aloted mins of typing and break time. So yeah, but other then the bad mood I'm actually having a very good day all in all...I think I might (dang M...grrr) hit the boiler room tonight and just spend some time one on one with God...we'll see what ends up happening right? (seems the shift doesn't like me much eather)
Monday, May 17, 2004
well, maybe no Risk this time...
so i was going to talk Risk with yall tonight but maybe I wont, there is too much stuff ta write about, maybe on a day when I have nothing better ta post :P

"Here, in this wonderful home, the four of us (soon to be five of us)...

Our true selves, we comfort each other, we help each other, we have fun together, play games together, talk together... we sing, we dance, we joke, we laugh, all without fear.

This simple place is heaven."

the latest post on Kristy's blog, I dunno, this really hit me, I don't even know why...from all the things going crazy back home...the Lord is good and makes a home for someone in need of a place of rest. I love how God works even when He knows He's not going to get too much recodnition for it...He loves us SO much...

so today I got off work at the early hour of 5, took a nap and didn't wake up till, a day waisted....

I'm worried about Adam still, I wish i knew what was going on...I wish I could be there and help somehow, I mean we where never best friends or anything but a friend is a friend no matter how distant that friend may be. whether you see them everyday or once a year.

I really think I'm way too nosy for my own good, I always want to know whats going on in peoples lives, especially my firends Kristy posted a reply to my comment on her board obviously directed at someone (I don't laugh at her behind her back so I really don't think she was directing it twords me) and it just leaves questions in my mind and I'm the type of person who wants all the answers so he can see the bigger picture and have a better grasp of all sides of a situation that I might not even be involved in. Same thing with Adam, I wish I knew what was going on in his life...just to know what could cause the things in ones life to go the way it has for him in this short amount of time...the list goes on including people back home, people here...Cheska is a big question on my mind I do hope she is doing well...I've been looking at the words "I'm not going to take this bull crap anymore..." for months now I just hope she is doing well.

There are alot of worries, alot of things to think about...but to follw Kristy's lead I could say the same thing about the place I live...

"Here, in this wonderful home, the four of us...

Our true selves, we comfort each other, we help each other, we have fun together, play games together, talk together... we sing, we dance, we joke, we laugh, all without fear.

This simple place is heaven."

Chad Erik and Denver, you guys rock, 3115 rox.

hey, now this is Chris being real for a second ok...
if any of you, my friends...if any of you need a person to talk to my write me an email and we'll set something up. For real! No joke, I want to talk...To comfort, to give advice...or just to be an ear in a world where maybe finding someone with an ear to hear is hard...I will never tearn you down ok? I want to be that friend to you guys/gals. I love you all so very much. Peace.

have a good night all.

Thats right everyone, an amazing awsome Risk post to come :) peace
Mega...go fig
Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey
Saturday, May 15, 2004
something worth writing...
ok, I want to write something worth writing, I have been in such a mojo as of late and I have no idea why...I'm agitated and can't seem to find the source and delete it from the hard drive of my soul. I'm in a slump, a hole per say Lord I need some help, be my strength.

Adam...I miss that guy, and too hear what has been going on just wan't me to go home sooner, I think I have pretty much made up my mind, pulled off the waiting list or not I think I'm still going to go home...get my life started...scary thought, and to be honest I REALLY don't want to leave here...the hedge of protection around this place is amazing and the prayer covering is so strong you feel it as soon as you hit campus. My spirit is at rest hear, while in constant battle with my flesh but soon I will once again be out in the world, under constant attack from the world, and my flesh wishing only to go back to that former life I am not apart of anymore.

"All I can do is pray..."

the words just written into a MSN message to James...I make it sound as though prayer isn't really powerful but more of a last chance backup thing that never works...WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!? The power of prayer I see everyday, the mericles of God performed though expectant prayer light my everyday, I see the amazing things God does in all aspects of life and prayer is at the center of it PRAYER IS POWERFUL! and yet in myself its as though its nothing. Lord forgive me for your amazing awsomeness something less then what it really is Lord...

its so funny cause I'm recieving so much encouragment these days...I did a rap thing at open mic night last night and people loved it, they got right into it..and this was posted in Bev's blog

*goes to check ashbys blog*
ashby thats awsome!!
"Its just a matter of time, I feel fine
ya, I'll lie to myself, I'll feel fine."
heh.. sounds familiar dont it eh ashby? geez, you are good at writing songs...

lol, well...can't dispute that one I guess...I think I'm gonna stop arguing and just go with it..humility being the key of course but if people say I'm good, I might as well keep writing and get better...who knows, might become more then a hobby in the future ;P yeah right...I'll be the next John Reuben. lol....ah my o my the Lord is good isn't He? I mean through all the hardship of life he'll send you great comfort and encouragment as long as you are willing to recieve.

Its late, but for some reason I just wanna keep writing...just rambling on about nothing just passing the time away...I'm worried about Adam, but he's covered in prayer (PLEASE GUYS be praying for him!! For real no joke, heck even if you don't beleve just pray for him anyways!! It works, really! Just pray expecting and knowing that what your pray will come to pass...know that your prayer will be heard...takes faith, takes patience as well cause God works in His time, but remember that when the prayer is answered the day you was because of you...because you opened the door for God to work in someones life...) This is just wow...I better post this thing before I go off on something lol..peace out. Have a good night
There was a John Reuben concert tonight, he rocked the house it was amazing!

But the coolest part was seeing at the Love's gas station warming up an instant cup of noodles, I dunno...there is something to be said for a big star eating ramin noodle...awsome :) he's real I love it

anywho, peace out
Bass Player

So Ricky as of late has been going on about how I'm an awsome bass player...when I was home Kristy was amusing saying I was all good, God is so awsome, for so long I played bass to get people to notice get good and have those who made fun of me be eating thair show at my command MWAHAHA!! Beh never happend praise the Lord, in fact I never got good at all really and I'm okey with that cause I just play for fun, decides I just write lyrics, let somebody else play them right?

Then just as I'm comming to the realization that I don't care about my Bass playing skills someone for the first time in my 3 year bass playing spirt comments on my bass playing, but not just that she wan't to teach her one of my songs!! (which by the way Kristy I found out what a ghost note is, its what we where struggling on in my know, when we couldn't figure out whether to hit or slide it...) then I bring my bass out and shake the dust off it and play around with some funky slap sounds and work a little more on my song and Ricky goes nuts telling the whole campus I'm so dang good...

Now, people might think its just me being humble or whatever but its not, I would tell ya if I think my bass playing was good but in all honesty..I don't know music so I can't play along, I don't play normal bass songs cause I don't know how and the stuff I do do isn't great by any strech of the least I don't think...I just wish I could truly hear what other do...maybe get a good recording...I dunno, meh.

Meet my friend Jon Davis, he's crazy. And quite skilled on the bass, he's cool. I wanna learn to play like he does cause O MY GOODNESS he playes some awsome stuff, and in the style I looove! Jon you ROCK!

This is Mr. Ron Luce, founder and director over Teen Mania Ministries teacking Character Development class, just a sneek peek into my everyday life in class lol

and last but not least this is Brad, he's cool. Miss ya Brad, have a good vacation!!
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
ok, this is sick crazy..I just randomly found my old board back from the realm of the dead and deleted (kinda like Strong Bad's comp...hmmm) and I found this old song I wrote years and years ago....amazing...

Song: I'll Start Again
Artist: Hung Chao Ping

I can't believe it
Do I know what I'm talking about?
Am I conceded
I don't think so, I don't know.
Just can conceive it
But I had to do it anyway

But now I know, what's its like, to be afraid, to run and hide
I can't deny, what we had, we didn't have, nothen at all
Our friendship was, important to me, but what I did, I did for you.
So now, so now, so now, there's no more you.

What is love, I don't know.
Still can't believe, there's nothing to show
What the hey, I'll start again.
Never know how, but I'll start again.
You can't stand me, I don't care
but if you need a friend, I won't be there
Its just a matter of time, I feel fine
ya, I'll lie to myself, I'll feel fine.

So do you care?
What do you think? What does it matter
I won't be there.
So don't you call on me
still I stop to stare
Can someone please stop, me...

But now I know, what's its like, to be dead, to have gone and died
I can't deny, what I said, I didn't say, nothen at all
Our friendship was, nothing to see, but what you did, you did for you
so now, so now, so now, there's no more you.

What is love, I don't know.
Still can't believe, there's nothing to show
What the hey, I'll start again.
Never know how, but I'll start again.
You can't stand me, I don't care
but if you need a friend, I won't be there
Its just a matter of time, I feel fine
ya, I'll lie to myself, I'll feel fine

Continuing my excitment for photos these days, I have decided to post a few of my own :) yey!

These are my sister core CA's Tiff and Caroline..amazing girls who are fun to hang out with.

Jeprody! This was during the last Trailer Club man cakes sat.

Our core flag, Selfless for life baby!

My CA Mr. Brett Goda and myself in a crammed car going to Tyler :)

This is Misty, Katrina, and Leah-Anne. Leah-Anne is in my sister core and I work with all three of them :) They rock!

Mr. Chris Marsh, one of my best friends on campus and he's in my core too

So those are just a few :) love ya all, have a blessed day.
5/12/2004 04:45:00 p.m. (0) comments
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
well, here it is, 8:43pm tuesday and quite honestly I have nothing done, I have about a million things I had to get done today...blah...hopeless.

I have 3 more colleges to do for the project due tomorrow...
I have 3 or 4 portfolio assignments due tomorrow...
I had an A.C.A. report due at 5:00...

blah, I'm too dang lazy...well, not really lazy...just push things back.

Well, it has been awhile since I've done a full ranting post hasn't it?

There has been alot of talk about heart...the heart behind the growing list of rules that are here at the Honor Academy, I don't want to fight them because I know they are right and I understand the need for the growing list but dang it if we just keep making rules thinking thats going to make everything better we're going to HAVE to fall into legalisim just to survive here...or maybe thats just me odd sence of logic there...

I don't want to sound unsupportive, this is just me ranting here...but really, I know we need accountibility but why not teach it instead of enforcing it? Interesting idea isn't it?

The more I connect with God, the more I'm starting to feel as though home is a very good chance of seeing me...there's alot to be done and yeah I'm down right scared to go back home and I'm so DANG crazed out by the idea that we only have 3 months left...then we all go our own way, some of these people I have met here I will never see again and that pains me so...I have grown so close to the people I see here everyday that I'ts going to hard come augest when I don't see them anymore. I wanna cry now and its not even time, ah emotions there you are, thought you where hiding out somewhere.

I need to spend more time with the room...thats a fact. How can I lead people if I never see them? AHH!!! well, I have to go...pray for me all...please...
Monday, May 10, 2004
I was just thinking, perhaps brought on by pictures posted on Bev's blog...

what went wrong?

I'm talking specificly about Dane and Karen...I used too look up to her so much, she was more spiritual then I ever hoped to acheve back in my baby years of Christianty. She new what she beleved and unlike most people she stuck by it, I even saw and admired that in her before I was saved. Then backsliding started and I won't get into spacifics because of my respect twords her but does it all change so fast?

How do we all go from being good friends to me being mearly Bev's friend...never to talk to Karen again it seems...when did it get to Dane and Boardmen drinking all the time...when did it come to this?

I remember these moments well...

the amusment of drinking Bev's secret drink...SICKNESS!! lol

I remember the good ol' days my friends, I remember what we did and what we used to have...but times change, when did it come to this?

When Karen and James can't stand each didn't always used to be this way...

I'm just ranting now. I love you all guys, I miss ya...have a good one.

P.S. This post goes out in memory of Dan the Man, stuck out there in China somewhere, I wish you woulda called me man...I really do. I still love ya.

Special "Mom" edition, in case you missed it :P

this is a screen from the special mom edition Journal :) I love you mom, hope you had a great day. Peace.
Sunday, May 09, 2004

don't matter what I type here
Happy mother's day! Do enjoy our special tribute to MY mom be enjoying the special Prov. 15:20 edition of the journal! yey, anywho...more stuff to be poster later today. Chao.
Friday, May 07, 2004
so, haven't posted in a while
okok, I know I'm the one always telling people how I post to everyday so they should post more lol, sorry peeps.

anywho, so whats new? Well, finally started a new written Journal entltled Habakkuk 1:5; A Journal you might be seeing a few things from that from tme to time :)

April 23, 2003

I find I have been thinking alot about this summer...this is a huge summer for me, hell...I meet the person I fell in love with...I leave for Texes...start school...being away from friends and family for the first time like ever really....the next year to com is going to be hard....hard for Lexi and I...hard for my friends and I...hard. but the more I think about it the more I realise that no matter how hard this is going to be its the chance of a lifetime...specialy for a person like me who didn't do well in have a chance to do something with my life and do what I many people get that chance these days?

I love the understantments...hard...HA! lol, but the best year of my life....even only a few months ago and I'm so changed..praise the Lord!
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Check out my Morality! 37% liberal, 63% conservative - compared to 37% liberal, 63% conservative!
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
First day back over, now for day two...
So yeah, I didn't have much to say yesterday, not sure why cause there is lots to say. First of all to the many peeps who blessed me soo much just by comming up and saying how much I was missed...I love you all so much you have no, my friends and family are awsome. Really, I almost ended the day in tears it was odd because of the awsome blessing that people are here.

So yeah. My heart is refreshed, I'm back at'r for another four months or so so yup, still no word on where I am in the waiting list so I'll let you know where that stands as soon as I hear. Other then that yeah...busy as usual, Classeshave been awsome these past few days, Ron Luce is continuing his series on relationships (aka the Sex talk) ah, soo dang good, this man has got wisdom flying out his rear I love it! God's wisdom is so stinken cool. He also touched on homosexuality today, a subjuct that has been burning in my heart for a long time now, especially now that its illigal to preach on the, throw me in prison for all I care people need to hear the truth! Bah humbug. Ah well. There's lots of goings on in the world of politics, picked up a Maclains in the Ottawa airport on the way back..I didn't realise how much in the pits US/Can relations where...odd

well, anywho...I better eat lol...peace.

P.S. Sorry Bev, I baught it..yours has been beat :P TAKE MORE PICS!!! ALL THE TIME!!! POST THEM!!!
Monday, May 03, 2004
Texas watch out...I'M BACK!!!
yup, seems I was missed, thats kinda cool. Hmmm...I don't know what to right about now, ou..wanna see my new obsession?

Say hola to the Sony PEG-UX50 CLIÉ

• Built-in Wireless (Wireless LAN 802.11b and Bluetooth™) 5
• Built-in Digital Camera with 3X Digital Zoom (310K effective pixel resolution)
• High Resolution TFT Color Display (480 x 320 pixels)
• Flip & Rotate Design
• Built-in QWERTY-layout wide-pitch keyboard with backlight
• Memory Stick® media expansion slot 6
• Video recording and playback
• Compatible with Memory Stick PRO™ media 2
• Built-in voice recorder w/ adjustable recording sensitivity
• Built-in MP3 audio player 2
• Dedicated internal memory (29 MB) for storing multimedia content
• Polyphonic audio alert function
• View native Microsoft® Word, Excel, PowerPoint®, and PDF files 5
• Key applications pre-installed in ROM memory
• “Decuma Input” handwriting recognition software
• Power saving mode with automatic data protection to non-volatile memory (up to 16 MB)

anywho, peace out

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