Friday, May 07, 2004
so, haven't posted in a while
okok, I know I'm the one always telling people how I post to everyday so they should post more lol, sorry peeps.

anywho, so whats new? Well, finally started a new written Journal entltled Habakkuk 1:5; A Journal you might be seeing a few things from that from tme to time :)

April 23, 2003

I find I have been thinking alot about this summer...this is a huge summer for me, hell...I meet the person I fell in love with...I leave for Texes...start school...being away from friends and family for the first time like ever really....the next year to com is going to be hard....hard for Lexi and I...hard for my friends and I...hard. but the more I think about it the more I realise that no matter how hard this is going to be its the chance of a lifetime...specialy for a person like me who didn't do well in have a chance to do something with my life and do what I many people get that chance these days?

I love the understantments...hard...HA! lol, but the best year of my life....even only a few months ago and I'm so changed..praise the Lord!
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