Monday, May 24, 2004
*Runs into the lounge and attacks the computer in a mess of computer parts and blood, there is an explosion and dust flies everywhere...

then as the dust starts to clear the shadow of the victor can be seen, and it starts to take shape as Ashby walks through the parting cloud, massive cuts all over his body, blood and sweat staining his face....he looks to the next computer with an erie smirk*

"The next one of you who loses one of my posts won't get it so easy..."

*and the Ashby sits at the next computer...still peeved he just lost a whole 2 page was a good post too...a tear enters his eye at the thought of his lost post, they had been good friends once...but the computer ended it all...he hadn't even been able to hit the post button before it was all over...never too be seen again, he wailes in agony as the shattered dreams of what his post could have done wages in his mind then sudden;y he stops and looks at the computer screen in front of him...then looks to the murdered remains of the computers counterpart...*

um, I mean my last post was an awesome post...lost to the ages it is...but good news! since then I have woken up and uploaded my pictures from last nights adventure! yey! Let us take a look shall we?

So yesterday started off real nice, I woke up and got ready for church with much time aloted to make sure getting there on time was with much ease...unfotinatly my ride didn't have the same notion in mind...because as I walked into his room to see how his mourning was fairing I saw that indeed the whole room was still asleep...with fifteen mins to get to church this was not a good thing at all...but with a quickness that has only come with practice (this just so happends to be a regular occerance around these parts :P) my two coremates tossed on something to wair and we headed to the car to head to church...thus starting the days first of many fun times...

This picture taken just after we had replaced the flat on Ricky's car with the spare...o yes my friends we are late now :P Notice Chris and his mad skillz :P

So, we made it to church just in time for the sermen to start...YEY! And I learned that Christians "need to grow some testicals" ah, the lessons of life (the very fact that was ranted on in thine lost post...*sigh*)and all was good. Then as fate had dictated to us earlyer in the mourning, we had to head to Tyler to go get new tires for Rickys car O GREAT FUN YEY! lol, actually it wasn't too bad...spent lots of time in wal-mart waiting and waiting for the tires to be put on the dang car...lalala

and this my friends is my newest hero in my world of many heros...I mean who else can walk the world for as many years as he has and not have some punk kid stick him with a needle or something and blow the poor guy up...let me tell you my friends that nobody but the Michelin Man can stake that claim

Ah yes, the Pepsi that was aquired from the waiting area at the low low discount price of $.40!! O wait...thats American...sorry, not a great deal but a deal none the less!

and here we have Ricky looking very much like he's on his way to managing a Wal-Mart of his very own one day...we will see what the future brings yes...just remember this picture the next time your browsing Wal-Mart in the foregn country of New Hampture...or...however you spell it :P

So that was our fun in wal-mart..mostly making fun or Ricky and wandering around aimlessly looking for the lost Chris who just so claimed that he was in the auto department the whole time (of which we may never know the whole truth behind the mystery)

anyway then we headed back to campus..........BUUTTT not for long! With a quick pitstop to post my last post on here and email and stuff, I headed off to Tyler once again...this time with the intent of watching Shrek 2! YEY YEAH!!

So on our way to the movie place we (for some reason unsure to me) ventured into a sub-division where we saw the most amazing sight you will ever see in that to even look at it makes you think of better days away from this place...ah yes, it was in fact ...this...

Yes my friends, green full awesomely amzing wonderful not Texan GRASS!!! It was such an amazing sight that I don't think the camera did it justice at all...thus the reason for a very we desurved act of appreatation...

This note reads as the following:
"We just wanted to let you know that you have beautiful lush green grass. We don't have grass this great on campus.

Thank you for making our day better!
Cynthia, Megan, Chris, Ricky and Holly. Keep up the great lawn."

all written on a nice thank you card Cynthia just happend to have in her purse, we left if for the nice people next to thair dorr and we headed off to see the movie.

The movie was stinking AWESOME!! Not much else to say about that...Shrek 2 is a funny stinking movie that you should go see right...NOW! lol...

and then, with many hours left to our night and nothing better to do we headed to the Interns #1 hangout spot!! WAL-MART!!!!

We did a lot of, well nothing...looked at stuff, picked up a game of Skip-Bo to play later on..then as we where leaving we saw some hats and fun was had by all :P

Such amazing fun like this!

and even MORE fun with hats like this!

Lol, Holly got right into the groove of things with this hat :P

And Holy and Cynthia are discussing how awesome thair hats are...

and you know I had to get into it, pimp daddy style!

Ricky thinking he's all bad-like...:P

The Gang :)

Well then after our fun with the hats came to a halt we went to go buy our awesome game of Skip-Bo, but at the cash I just happend to see an awesome book and started reading it too a very attentive Holly, the book was entitled "Kittens"

Then we all went on our merry happy way and went to IHOP to play Skip-Bo and thus my story is concluded

The End
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