Wednesday, December 20, 2006
last post on kaitime
well, this is the last post on the ol' Kaitime blog. Moved on too Xanga cause hey, I have a larger reader base on there :P so hop onto too see whats up, including a video tour of our new apartment!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006
So I suppose...
Soo, I suppose you all want an update huh? Well, where too start. I've been a married man for over a week and its just incredible. I have been in a state of uber bliss since I saw her walk down that isle. I mean, its sort of a life changing event :P. my only regret was not being able to see some people more, lots of people I haven't seen in what seems like forever came to the wedding and it was so good to see them all. I only wish I could have spent more time with them all, I love you all so much, thanks all of you who came to the wedding, it ment so much to Leigh-Anne and myself too see family and friends there. o, and James was a great best man. The dude looks pretty sharp in a tux :P. I'm so glad he got along with Leigh's bro Mike. hmm...time to end this long para...

My mom was so beautiful at the wedding, I had so many people tell me my mom looked so young (some people even mistook my mother and sister as sisters :P) and speaking of my sister, she was wonderful, she took some great pics during the wedding and caught a few things that our photographers overlooked (Brad and JoJo you peeps are my heros, those pics where amazing!)

The wedding came and the wedding went and then we where on our way to San Antonio...and, just wow. between the room, the riverwalk, the river, my beautiful bride...everything was so perfect. there really isn't much else to say except to state again that it was all just amazingly wonderful. O, and the Alamo is pretty cool, tho I don't have many pictures of it cause of stupid "no photo" rules all over the place :P.

and after that, we've been here at Leigh's folks place just enjoying being married. We leave for home (Canada) on thursday where I will beat up my friends at home cause I feel that would be most fun. No other real reason :P. Love you all and thanks for your prayers and support...God has blessed us so much with the friends and family we have. just wow.

o, and PS. My Mother is a great dancer...her feet are just a little more flat now. :P Love yall, peace.
Sunday, April 09, 2006

(this posted by Denver Root... Chris and Leigh-Anne are on their honeymoon)
Friday, March 31, 2006
Welp, I'm finally here
After months and months of planning and waiting and worrying and waiting and praying and waiting. I'm finally back in Texas. 4 long days on the road with my mother, father, grandfather and two siblings in one van later. I'm not going to get into the details of the trip except to say that is was actually alot of fun. I'd had forgotten just how much I love my family and how much they don't bother me and how much I enjoy the company of the people I love. (That being said there where times I just wanted to kill them all with a plastic fork)

8 days.

I'm getting married to the most amazing girl in the world so soon, I'm nervious. I just hope everything goes perfect. I love her...
Friday, March 03, 2006
Very interesting.
Click This Link Here!

This was a link posted in the comments of my last post earlier this mourning by an unknown reader. Thanks too whoever it was. I love to see there are still people in this world that truly understand whats going on.

*note that I cannot verify whether the subtitles are legit or not, tis the internet and you can't take things like that for granted...but its good eather way.*
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
A Quicky Regarding "Protesting" Muslems
I'm not going to get too long winded about this...

But is it right that the media has deemed it wise to justify the recent violance by a large number of so-called "protesters"? Of course I say so-called because it seems more just an excuse to kill Jews and Christians ans, well..white people in general distroying the lives of people not even remotely connected to the creating or publishing of those stupid comics.

And, if memory serves me correctly, isn't this the same group of people who, after 9/11 swore up and down they where a very peaceful and enlightened religion? Didn't they assure us that they where non-violent and that the terrorism was the work of a few crazys?

Hey, Muslems....get a clue! Your Koren talks about the taking of human lives...and not in a positive light. If your so upset about people not taking your religion seriously, give us a reason too...READ YOUR OWN HOLY BOOK! Think your going to win respect by killing innocent people? Think your going to make people respect your great profet? Point in fact...the cartoon is being proven more true then we thought. Your violent, murderious and its a shame that the media has alowed themselves to be scared into complyance of your demands for respect.

Want respect? Stop killing people. Want respect? Stop burning buildings. Want respect? Earn it.

P.S. A shout out to Canadian Muslems, you people are actauly pretty awesome. Thank you for not following in the ways of the people across the big pond and staging peacefull protests...thankyou for useing your heads and not losing them, thank you for remembering what it is your protesting and working to do something about it. Thank you for once again making me very proud to be Canadian.

Well, I'm done..l8rs
Monday, February 13, 2006
When the Trailer meets the House: Firsts
When the Trailer met the House for the first time...
Amusment, for she had no last name.

When the Trailer and the House first started working together...
Feelings of great joy.

When the Trailer needed Prayer...
The House was the first one there.

When the Trailer and House first held hands...
First time seeing eachother since the day we had to leave eachother.

The Trailer and House's first kiss...
sitting on the couch at home, staring into her eyes.

Their first consert...
she got hurt, first time of worry.

First ATF...
On campus, she needed a friend.

First Road Trip, first feelings of love, first walk alone, first time eating out, first gifts, first moments.

Then the Trailer Proposed, the House said yes.
A future of firsts awates them, as a history of firsts lies in the hearts of the Trailer and the House.

The first time I cryed so much, before I even met her...a vision. Her heart breaking. Never, not ever.

My wife, my soul mate, my lover.
I love you, o House. Says the Trailer. I love you.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
"Stop talking bad about my rents, boo hoo"
spending alot of money? More like going on vacation and stopping to see a wedding while down there.

This is exactly what I mean though, seems family isn't alowed to be happy for me cause of finanitial reasons. I'm not stupid, I know the risks. If you want to believe it or not, things are looking very good.

"Do you ever look ahead?"

of course I do, an have been.

But, not that it matters, your probably reading this and just laughing cause your brother doesn't know anything about life. He's just clueless to everything, just a friggen idiot with no hope in the world.

And people wonder why I don't call home often...sorry if I'm sick of hearing about how I need a new job and that I need to start planning for the future. Sorry if I'm getting kinda tired of hearing about how I'm not good enough.

Ah well I suppose. Life's just a big sob story from me right?

Nah, I'm enjoying life right now to be honest...few things bug me, but whatever.

well, pissed at me, whine, complain, don't hear my point. lol...whatever. The fact you "rubbed my face" in the fact that the rents are forking out alot of cash to come to my wedding (or go on vacation, however you look at it) makes my point for me. If they are so worried about it, they can skip the stop in Texas and head straight to Mexico. Cause we both know they would have vacationed anyway. Gah, whatever...I'm done making people angry at me for one day...time for work.

P.S. $20 says I get a new tag from dad sometime today...
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Edited for the fact is was an emotional response...meh...
Je nu sais pas...or however you spell it >.>
You know, sometimes I forget that I have friends out there around the world that care, they make me smile. Thank you friends.

"What one man can do, another man can do."

Almost forgot about that for a moment...needed the reminder.

Anywho, its been a few days since the natinal vote so lets recap what happened on monday:
The Conservative Party won a minority in the house of commons. PM Elect Steven Harper and his team are busy building a senate and whatnot.

Former PM Paul Martin, Leader of the Liberals resigned his position Monday night.

and though I'm not too happy about Steven Harper and his marry band of newbs running this great nation, a few things did go fact I would have to say givin how the polls where predicting it, its about the best outcome we could have hoped for.

First of all, although Minority governments are generally just a big waist of time, it means that the Conservative government doesn't have too much power...they will have to work with the other partys to get things done, and from what I'm seeing, it might work...I dunno

but the real good news is the Bloc getting shafted out of alot of a bunch of seats (Woot! Take that you nation hating bloc quelosers!) anywho, the NDP also did quite well, I'm happy to see Jack and his gang being able to pull the party from under the feet of the other larger partys even if its just a little, and with more seats in the NDP side, maybe we're closer to equal representation which is needed...and, once again...the poor ol Green party is absent from the house all together.

but, Canadians had their say and they said quite loudly to the Liberals to "take a hike".

Well, I suck at writing lol, so I'm going to stop now. Peace.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
qui vous est cher?
Alot of feelings and emotions have been passing though my mind for a while now.

As many of you may or may not know, I tend to be one who does not express my emotions well...I tend to often retreat here or to my own thoughts when something bothers me or, any number of things really.

I guess the first thing I want to say tonight is, dispite some people's thoughts to the contrary... I LOVE Miss Leigh-Anne Walston with all my heart and soul.

I say this because I get the feeling from a few people I know that they do not think this is the case. If I am wrong I'm sorry. Maybe I should start from what set off this little rant of mine.

Last week I went to visit my good friends Kristy and Shawn. It was fun, played video games, watched a know, the usual; but at one point in the night as I went over to Kristy's compy to chat a little with Leigh to tell her I should be home kinda soon and whatever...Shawn says, "Why don't you just ignore her?".

Ignore her? huh? What?

Kristy I think was caught a little off guard by the comment herself and added "Would you ignore me?".

Now, needless to say I took great offence to his comment and, truth be told have avoided visiting there for some time now. That compounded by my mother and sister poking fun at MY FUTURE WIFE while I'm sitting right there...I'm sure you can see that this little rant is a long time coming.

I want you all to hear me right now. Any comment directed at Leigh-Anne or a comment made about her is also a comment made to personally attack me as well, and though my nature usualy makes it so I just ignore it and walk away...thats soon going to come to an end.

I would like for you to just take a moment and try to wrap your mind around this for a second. Laigh and I are pushing though a very rough long distance relationship, something that few people will even attempt because is retarded hard and quite frankly I fail to see how it could be done without God's everlasting love and inspiration. Shawn, you see your girlfriend every freeking day, you see her eyes you touch her, she is right there and you know you would never, could never just "ignore" her needs "ignore" the fact that if you wernt there she would miss you, want to talk to you every waking hour, and if you could...I question what love means to you.

My one wish in all this right now...that my folks could just, for one moment in my life stop judging people...judging who I'm with, basing there thoughts about people not on who they are...but how much money they make. Not by how happy they are, but by what status they hold.

I love Patsy Leigh-Anne Walston, she will be my wife in a short time from now, this one thought seems to be my one place of pure joy. My refuge inside my mind when I can't take this would's harshness anymore.

I love her, and for some messed up reason she loves me back...why can't that be good enough for those who clame to care for me? Thats all I need, thats all I ever wanted.

What good is one glove without the other?

I want so much to be with her right now, see her smile, that would make my day. Yeah, I'm gonna hold onto that thought and smile.

take offence to this if you want...I'm sure if you have you haven't even read this far anyway...blast me, tell me I'm way off base...just, before you do...look in a mirror.

qui vous est cher?
who do you love?

Respect the one I love with the same respect you would show me. Place yourself in my shoes for just one moment before you speak, before you breath, remember the one you love...

We are wed, April 8th. I hope you can come. Friends.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Welp, back am I
Finally got to spend some time with family, it was good. Though the ongoing feud between my mother and father (mostly my father) and his sister is becomming so childish I just wanted to build a mind control device and make sure everyone knew that John was my dad...o well I guess. All in all though like I said the stay was nice and my folks spoiled me rotten again this year.

Welp, it is now the 1st, and the one thing I wanna say about this is sucking the life out of me. I was in bed at midnight last night so I could be up for work this mourning...thus making time spent with friends, once again, not able to happen.

Speaking of friends, once again that thought of moving back out to the Brockville-Prescott area has come up. Oi. An aspect that doesn't hold much appeal to me for the same reason I really would rather not move to Taxas. I don't have many friends left out here...James has moved away and, well...I never see him anymore. Haven't seen Chris in years now it seems...Chuck still lives in town but since the new girl in his life took him over...oi really all I have left is whoever shows up for the now bi-weekly get-together at Kristy's...if I move, I know that'll be it for my few remaining old friendships...

My friends mean more to me then most people really know. And I suck at keeping long distance friends...just ask Denver or Chris or Greg or any number of people I haven't called in when I think about moving back closer to home...I dunno, it would make things easyer to Leigh and I but oi...sigh...blah

in other news immigration laws suck...alot

P.S. Greg, I love you like a bro...I can't believe your actually coming back home, I'll prolly be married before you see me again, times are a changin...and you BETTER LOOK ME UP YOU NUMBLEFRAGIN!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Let me get into more detail
Well, to continue on my rant from yesterday...

I work full time in a Shoppers Drug Mart for those of my many millions of readers who don't know, and is these full time shifts I ring through many many people. Now granted I DO work in a drug store so the percentage of irratible people might be a little higher then a standard retail chain like Wal-Mart, but even still I have to wonder if the commen lessons of kindness and politeness are often set aside when in dealings with the person at the cash. Or even in some cases the other people in line.

I give you as evidance one happening last night. I was working the third cash, thus meaning I really not going to be called up unless a bit of a line has formed around the first two cashes. I'm called up to cash, I take my cash. Now, usualy I use my outside voice in proclaming that I will take the next person in line, if only to remind those in line that we do in fact work with a set of rules called DUH that you might want to consider. This time however before I could bellow out my call for some civil behavour, this lady (not even in the line at all) pushes ever-so-rudely past another lady and plops her stuff on the counter with a snarl. The lady who was eating the dust off the rude persons shoes wasn't too thrilled and responded in a comicly cynical tone "Well, so much for 'next in line' then". Meanwhile the person who did the butting in line was rang though and snached her bag and proply walked away as though she had won something.

I fail compleatly to understand the lack of the very basics of respect for the people around you. I can't even grasp how things like this happen, maybe because of my rather awesome upbringing by good and honest people. I dunno.

Other things drive me up the wall, like cell-phones as mentioned before. But I think its the people who seem to live there lives in a hurry...I'm not really going to get into that today but gah, slow down people.

But little made me as fustrated as this news clipping posted in the store about a Toronto Shoppers...lets see if I can't find it online and post it here...

Voluntary code means customer is always right
Nov. 26, 2005. 01:00 AM

You buy something at a drug store and take it to the cashier for scanning. Wait a minute! The price is not right. Now what happens? Here's an example of the wrong way to handle a pricing error, drawn from an experience last weekend at a Shoppers Drug Mart store in Toronto.A customer buys a package of eye drops, displayed at the checkout station. The shelf price is $6.99, but the scanned price is $7.49."That's wrong," the customer says to the cashier, who tries to scan a second package of eye drops.Again, the price is $7.49.Since no more eye drops remain on the shelf, the cashier starts over and punches in the $6.99 price by hand."That's not right, either," the customer says. "Isn't there a policy that you get the item for free when the scanned price is too high?"By now, there's a line of people waiting to ring up their purchases. Only one cashier is on duty. The customer feels embarrassed, demanding the right not to pay for her eye drops.But she remembers hearing about a voluntary code on scanner accuracy. She looks around to see if signs are posted and finds one right on the cash register."This says I'm entitled to a free item when I'm overcharged," she says.The cashier reads the sign. But she refuses to give away something for nothing."I'm calling the supervisor," she tells the customer.Fortunately, another cashier shows up to handle the growing line of people waiting to get out.The supervisor arrives and sizes up the situation. "Don't charge for the eye drops," she tells the cashier.Not knowing how to scan a free item, the cashier asks the supervisor for help.For several agonizing minutes, they work together until a correct bill is finally produced.Back at home, the customer tells her husband about the experience. Is this typical of Shoppers Drug Mart — or an anomaly?She calls the corporate office on Monday morning and speaks to Lilian Relph, director of consumer and corporate affairs, who promises to investigate."The cashier serving you was a part-time employee working very limited hours and unfortunately, although she was trained, had not had a pricing accuracy issue," Relph writes back on Wednesday."As a result, she did not know what to do. This has been addressed and necessary action has been taken at the store to ensure all staff are up to date on the necessary procedures for pricing accuracy issues."The eye drops were marked down by 50 cents on Nov. 17 — and while the shelf signs had the right information, the scanning system didn't."The bottom line is we made a mistake with the pricing," Relph says. "Please rest assured that all staff are thoroughly trained in managing pricing accuracy issues."In this instance, however, that did not appear to be the case."The Canadian Association of Retail Drug Chains (of which Shoppers Drug Mart is a member) signed onto the voluntary code in 2002. So did the Retail Council of Canada, the Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors and the Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers.They agreed to honour the lower price when the scanned price at the checkout was higher than what was displayed in the store."If the correct price of the product is $10 or less, the retailer will give the product to the customer free of charge," the code says."If the correct price of the product is higher than $10, the retailer will give the customer a discount of $10 off the corrected price."When there's a recurring error with multiple units of the same product, only the first product purchased by a customer qualifies for special treatment.Participating retailers — such as Loblaws, Dominion, Longos, Costco, Home Depot, Canadian Tire, Wal-Mart, Toys "R" Us, Future Shop and Best Buy — are supposed to put signs near all store entrances and at each checkout station.The federal Competition Bureau, which endorsed the voluntary code, plans to launch a public awareness campaign for the holiday shopping season. Let's hope the store signs are more prominently displayed and the staff members more thoroughly trained.Customers need to know they're entitled to free items or discounts when they're overcharged.That's the only way to ensure this voluntary code on pricing accuracy has any teeth.

Sorry for any formating issues the there might be...anywho take a read of that artical and your thinking perhaps "She's darn right to be upset, she has the right to her free whatever" but before you start jumping onto that little red wagon take another look...

First and formost she's so upset about what? She got her free item did she not? I love how she adds the rather useless fact that there was a line forming into this little writeup...of course there is, this person is dealing with a situation that would take a little longer then your avrage "beep-ring-here's your change" and its not like someone didn't come and the line got crazy and people died in protest...but this isn't the real issue I have with this little journal entry about shopping gone wrong.

Taking a look at this from the perspective of a shoppers enployee...its obvious to me that the poor individual who was working cash that day was very new...probably first few days of work. I say this cause you don't go many shifts at all before you have to know how to do a price override or how the priceing system works, this is further backed up by the fact that this person was placed on cash one to probably give her some further training...that what you do with the them on main cash till they know what they are doing :P. So we have this newb at Shoppers who just went through trianing (training btw is just being up on cash...if something doesn't come up, your not taught sucks yes and yes there should be a better training method to makes things like this artical not happen) and she's hit with a situation she's unaware of...first of all she realized right away there was a price issue and used commen sence enough to correct it. Then she was made aware of something by the custimer that she knew nothing about...she called the supervisor...things where settled.

Then this artical...if not for this I'm sure the person on the cash would have just been told about the policy and then life goes on...but now, that store is under heavy fire...I'm sure she was fired as a PR thing and now all shoppers in Ottawa are being subjected to the mystery shopper syndrome. Its silly that one can't grasp the concept of the newbie not knowing any better....but gah, now I'm just ranting about nothing sooo.......bye.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005
People need to re-learn how to shop.
I'll definatly go into more detail about this in a post I want to make with not only myself but others who work in retail.

But I'll say this for starters.

When your at the cash ringing your stuff through. HANG UP THE DANG CELL-PHONE you freaking rude blah!

grrrrumble, I hate that so much, people who don't know enough to at very least put the phone down and speak to you a little. Or how about the people who are too good to let even the whisper of a word slip through their lips while they watch you the servant ring up the preacious goods.

Just, blah.

Ah well. Peace
Friday, November 25, 2005
I have been givin a direct order...
Well, it would seem that I have to write a book now.

It amused me only slightly when Kristy told me I had to write a book. Well, ok so she said I should. Anywho, as usual I laughed it off. Many people have told me this and in reality though I have many ideas and have a very deep desire to pour my ideas for Red Dark as Night onto paper...I really just don't even know where to start. I have tryed but I'm not one too get as detailed as a good read needs to be. I see it all in my head and what ends up on paper is more of a play-by-play by Don detail just "Soandso kicks Whatshisface". I really don't have the attention span to get into alot of detail...maybe cause I want so bad for it to be finished that I rush it. Not sure.

*takes a breath*

In other news, Leigh is away for the Yankie Thanksgiving so I'm bored and alone tonight with nobody to talk to. I blame the US for this. Silly people having Thanksgiving in November...sheesh. I mean really, isn't it a wee bit close to Christmas? For you folks that really have a hard time enduring family (myself EXcluded) I fail to see how having 2 family gathering holidays a month apart...I mean common, lets have a bit of a break inbetween. It takes to to make more room for Turky :P

Well friends, thanks for reading (though I'm sure few do anymore :P)

O, idea: Webcomic. I wanna write a webcomic and have someone who can draw, well...draw it for me :P could be fun...well, peace.

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