Thursday, January 26, 2006
Je nu sais pas...or however you spell it >.>
You know, sometimes I forget that I have friends out there around the world that care, they make me smile. Thank you friends.

"What one man can do, another man can do."

Almost forgot about that for a moment...needed the reminder.

Anywho, its been a few days since the natinal vote so lets recap what happened on monday:
The Conservative Party won a minority in the house of commons. PM Elect Steven Harper and his team are busy building a senate and whatnot.

Former PM Paul Martin, Leader of the Liberals resigned his position Monday night.

and though I'm not too happy about Steven Harper and his marry band of newbs running this great nation, a few things did go fact I would have to say givin how the polls where predicting it, its about the best outcome we could have hoped for.

First of all, although Minority governments are generally just a big waist of time, it means that the Conservative government doesn't have too much power...they will have to work with the other partys to get things done, and from what I'm seeing, it might work...I dunno

but the real good news is the Bloc getting shafted out of alot of a bunch of seats (Woot! Take that you nation hating bloc quelosers!) anywho, the NDP also did quite well, I'm happy to see Jack and his gang being able to pull the party from under the feet of the other larger partys even if its just a little, and with more seats in the NDP side, maybe we're closer to equal representation which is needed...and, once again...the poor ol Green party is absent from the house all together.

but, Canadians had their say and they said quite loudly to the Liberals to "take a hike".

Well, I suck at writing lol, so I'm going to stop now. Peace.
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