Friday, November 25, 2005
I have been givin a direct order...
Well, it would seem that I have to write a book now.

It amused me only slightly when Kristy told me I had to write a book. Well, ok so she said I should. Anywho, as usual I laughed it off. Many people have told me this and in reality though I have many ideas and have a very deep desire to pour my ideas for Red Dark as Night onto paper...I really just don't even know where to start. I have tryed but I'm not one too get as detailed as a good read needs to be. I see it all in my head and what ends up on paper is more of a play-by-play by Don detail just "Soandso kicks Whatshisface". I really don't have the attention span to get into alot of detail...maybe cause I want so bad for it to be finished that I rush it. Not sure.

*takes a breath*

In other news, Leigh is away for the Yankie Thanksgiving so I'm bored and alone tonight with nobody to talk to. I blame the US for this. Silly people having Thanksgiving in November...sheesh. I mean really, isn't it a wee bit close to Christmas? For you folks that really have a hard time enduring family (myself EXcluded) I fail to see how having 2 family gathering holidays a month apart...I mean common, lets have a bit of a break inbetween. It takes to to make more room for Turky :P

Well friends, thanks for reading (though I'm sure few do anymore :P)

O, idea: Webcomic. I wanna write a webcomic and have someone who can draw, well...draw it for me :P could be fun...well, peace.
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