Sunday, January 01, 2006
Welp, back am I
Finally got to spend some time with family, it was good. Though the ongoing feud between my mother and father (mostly my father) and his sister is becomming so childish I just wanted to build a mind control device and make sure everyone knew that John was my dad...o well I guess. All in all though like I said the stay was nice and my folks spoiled me rotten again this year.

Welp, it is now the 1st, and the one thing I wanna say about this is sucking the life out of me. I was in bed at midnight last night so I could be up for work this mourning...thus making time spent with friends, once again, not able to happen.

Speaking of friends, once again that thought of moving back out to the Brockville-Prescott area has come up. Oi. An aspect that doesn't hold much appeal to me for the same reason I really would rather not move to Taxas. I don't have many friends left out here...James has moved away and, well...I never see him anymore. Haven't seen Chris in years now it seems...Chuck still lives in town but since the new girl in his life took him over...oi really all I have left is whoever shows up for the now bi-weekly get-together at Kristy's...if I move, I know that'll be it for my few remaining old friendships...

My friends mean more to me then most people really know. And I suck at keeping long distance friends...just ask Denver or Chris or Greg or any number of people I haven't called in when I think about moving back closer to home...I dunno, it would make things easyer to Leigh and I but oi...sigh...blah

in other news immigration laws suck...alot

P.S. Greg, I love you like a bro...I can't believe your actually coming back home, I'll prolly be married before you see me again, times are a changin...and you BETTER LOOK ME UP YOU NUMBLEFRAGIN!

Happy New Year, My Love!
Can I tell you this? whatever decision you make I am behind you 100%. If you feel it would be easier for us I wouldn't want it to be any other way. would you be able to get a better paying job? I have been praying that you would find a job you -enjoy- and which brings a desent amount of money to live on. Only the Lord fully knows what oru life holds. Suprises to us are not surprise to Him. He knew each and everything we are presently encountering and will encouter would and will happen. It will only help us grow in our faith and trust in Him. Take this time of hardship to grow closer to Him and allow Him to deepen our love for each other through everything we encounter together...
Lord, guide ever decision he makes. I trust he goes to You...Chris, I love you and trust whatever decision was taken to the Lord in prayer.
Well, ignore half of that comment. I guess I didn't quite understand what you were saying...I really wish the phone was working...I miss you soo soo much..I feel like I am going to cry. Being apart can put a toll on someone at times...and well, this is one of those times. I will try to give you a call tomorrow. I love you!!
Hey man you are always welcome here in NH ;)Hope i can hear from you soon... God bless bro...
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