Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Bush in Ottawa, Christmas Bliss, Work Theifery and other random rantings from... ME!
So I feel so...good today.
Maybe because I no longer have to pick up so many shifts
maybe because its pretty cirtain that Leigh-Anne will make it here for Christmas now :)
maybe its because I slepped in till 1:15pm today O_o?

who knows, but finally things seem to be swinging into the life being peachy mode and ah, how I missed it :) major props go out to amazing family both here *hugs mom* and in Texas *hugs Leigh-Anne's mom and dad*

so yeah, things just seem to be falling into place...great things come to those who wait ..people this is truth! w00t! Praise God.

so now this means that a)I'll see Leigh-Anne through Christmas and New Years b)I won't have to pick up crazy amounts of shifts anymore c)stressing about money is evil and wrong and when you trust in Him all things seem to work out for the best and d) I told ya so! :P

So, to kindof swich gears a bit, seems if you want to go downtown Ottawa, I would wait till tomorrow to do so...cause Ottawa is a crazy place to be tonight...we're talking protests and mass crazyness alltogether today as the US president Mr. Bush himself makes his long awaited visit to the north. Its going to be interesting for sure to see...I'll just watch it on the news myself lol.

o, and I have been thinking alot recently about the amount of stolen goods/faked cash/resellers we get on a day to day bases at the store....its a little overwhelming, I mean...I got passes $80 worth of fake $20/bills the other day...would have been more if I had more change in my till....grr and the other day (again) someone just walks out of the door rather quickly with a large bag and..o, there he goes, the thing beeps..I call the supervisor as if I had done it before...


guess what people...its not worth it...

its these people that are the main reason why things cast so much...the more stuff gets stolen the more we have to raise the price to cover the cost ....AHH!!!

*goes and sits in a corner till he calms down*

ok, thefing is baad

thats it for now peeps :)


be there, or be...cubed!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004
I'm a slacker :P
/em kicks Goblen Fisher in the face

lol, I know I know...I hear the people now "you used to update everyday" I'm sorry peeps, I'm a slacker :P just worken hard and sleeping harder these days, thats pretty much my days the past little while, not a whole lot to talk about but I'll give it a shot :P

So, at Teen Mania I had the chance to searve in the Kitchen...more to the point of this rant I had the chance to serve on the line...I saw almost the entire ministry almost everyday, and people for the most part where plesent and it was a joy and an honor to serve them. Working with the people I did (DKC 4 Life) and having fun with the dish dutys and the Prayer call and Benji and his "DINNER'S OVER!!" call...ah, I miss it so much! From the trying to get pam to calm down to some of the most interesting conversations with Krys. From meatloaf to bread bowls from freezer to oven...yeah we didn't always have the most fun but, then again when didn't we? It was a place, an atmosphere that even somehow made trash run's fun. It didn't feel like a job because, really it wasn't..it was service, it was family...

then I look at where I am now, and its not as nice...I look at the people to whome I serve now, and its all wrong. At times its as if people forget your a human being behind the counter..or at very least don't care if you are or not...people always in a hurry...always rushing always...dead. The people I work with are nice and friendly (most of them) but there is that undertone of cliqes and rumor and backstabing that I can really only feel. All I wan't to do is gather everyone in the shift together and pray before we start but, as the only Christian...just bothersom

I miss you K-Crew...you people are more amazing and more presious then you know. And if anyone can direct the new members to this, man...I hope they feel the same way...Misty I prey your leadership is truly from God and that you are the inspiration that I know you have inside. Bubba, your the new enemy leader of DKC (well, not so new anymore lol, I'm living in the past) mess with DKC and I'll hunt ya down and, um.,..slap you with a plastic glove or something :P

DKC...BLESS BREAKFAST CREW!!! Make them breakfast and searve for them one day....really, this is a tradition.

:) so, Leigh-Anne and I may finally have that chance to see eachother again soon...please be praying that all works out for this Christmas adventure...things are looking up :) and thank you all for your prayers...they are felt.

And my little note to Selfless...if any of you still read this always remember...
Brother to Brother...yours in life and death.

if yall ever need anything let me know, really.

Peace out.

(p.s. Ian, toss me an email sometime, I'd like ta know whats up wit ya :P)

Sunday, November 14, 2004
Death to Self
Baptisim- in essence its what selfless is all about, death to self. Death to our own selfish ambitions. Remember that guys?

Baptisim is simply the outward act of an inner commitment. A true baptisim (I'm not in this moment talking about the drops on an infents head) but a true baptisim under your own free will...the submerging in the water...that act symbolizing that you have indeed died to your own flesh and have truly been born again. Quite an amazing thing really...

Took me long enough :P

Brett my friend, my mentor...you would be so proud :P

So yeah, Church was great today :) there is some youth thing (actually, young adult thing :P) that Chuck and I are thinking of going too...that is if we can figure out how to get there and whatnot lol) it'll be mucho funness :) well, small update from me..but thats it for now.

BTW, yeah, I'm still working waaay too much, but I have some time off next week...maybe I'll catch up with peeps....especial;ly one person in perticualr of whome I have been thinking alot about...

Sorry LA, these are really hard times...but we're fighting...keep the faith my sweet Texan...I'm fighten for us, not just me :)

Lost in Him.

Friday, November 12, 2004
"Where have you been Chris?"
stuck behind a cash wishing, dreaming I was making more for it...lol. Rememberance day has come and gone, today I may head to prescott too see Adam...Rumor has it he is back from spain already...nobody has any idea if its for a visit...whether something happened and he's back for good...if his new love intrest is with him or not...so many questions hopefully will be answered today.

So yeah, I thought I could afford a phone card....but it seems that was a passing dream..sorry LA..I really am....gah

I'm beginning to see James' side to his insantity lol...working a heck of alot and having nothing to show for it. Well, at least I like the peeps at work, and they seem to like me lots (probably cause I take all the hours they don't want :P)

So, time for my thought for the moment.

HA Alumni...look on your hand, see that ring?
that simple, little peice of cheap metal?

Is that your reminder?
Do you remember?

how could I ever forget...
a Lifetime of Honor.

Are you living a life of Honor?
Semper Honorablus?

check yourself every now and then...don't hold yourself by HA standards...hold yourself to God's standards...honor.

Trailer Forever. We my friends are the last of our kind from the HA...hard to believe...but that doesn't mean that the tenent "Trailer Forever" has failed...remember that we are Trailer Men...guys...be trailer men. I have read on JoJo's Xanga about how much she misses Trailer men...you wanna know why? lol..I think you know. Semper Trailer.

now for a weather update...

now for a song that has touched my heart as of late.

A Little More
by Skillet

Love is all around you now so take a hold
Hidden in our words it sometimes ain't enough
Don't suffocate day after day, it's building up
'Cause when you're feeling weak you know I'm strong enough
Just one more day
One more day
Oh, let the world crash love can take it
Oh, let the world come crashing down
Oh, let the world crash love can take it
Love can take a little, love can give a little more
Love is indestructible so take a hold
Sometimes hard to find a reason good enough
I'll stand beside you never leave, through it all
And faith will bring a way to the impossible
Just one more day
One more day
Oh, let the world crash love can take it
Oh, let the world come crashing down
Oh, let the world crash love can take it
Love can take a little, love can give a little more
You can find me
You can find me
You can find me anywhere
Take a look over you shoulder
I'll be standing there
Standing there
Love is all around you now so take a hold
And faith will bring a way to the impossible
Just one more day (You can find me)
One more day(You can find me)
One more day(You can find me anywhere)
One more day(You can find me)
One more day(You can find me)
One more day(You can find me anywhere)
Oh, let the world crash love can take it
Oh, let the world come crashing down
Oh, let the world crash love can take it
Love can take a little, love can give a little more
A little more
Take a little more
Take a little more
Woah take a little more


Sunday, November 07, 2004
The World of Vana'diel pt. 6

Ah, fun times...
isn't it wonderful when friends decide to have some fun?
A race...
one of the oldest Human traditions
the race...so basic, yet so pivital to Human development as a society
piting man against man
you run, you die, you start over...
...this isn't right...
when we wish death on another...and have it mean nothing but a simple step back in the race...
how odd has this world gotten?
Where death is nothing but a loss of points on a chart...
won't we some day be sadly dissalusiond
...when we lose more then exp...
we run this race my friends...
...a race called life...
The Bible even mentions this race...
it says we are cheered on by those who have gone before us...
Where are you in the race?
Wouldn't you want to make sure you where running it full tilt?
before someone else passes you by?
Forever in the Fantasy...

Saturday, November 06, 2004
The World of Vana'diel pt. 5

I have heard it said...
that nothing is more real then love itself
but today is this world we live in
we have managed to even make love so fake
its no wonter we have a hard time trying to find out what is real
when all the world is so fake
taking one thing and turing it, changing it
can this be real?
can your fantasy make up for lost reality?
you can marry whomever you wish in this place...
maybe you can seek something you never thought possable here in reality
it isn't the same is it?
you wair the wedding ring in the fantasy...
but in reality you still find that your hand is empty
but he is right there...you are so lost in your fantasy do you forget that he is there?
He hurts...he wishes only the best for you...
and loses himself in fantasy to get away from it...
because he can't provide the best...
but he will, you will see.
He loves you.
Never forget that friend.
his love for you can't be faked, nor can it be reproduced in this fantasy...
for love...cannot be reproduced
and why am I here? Lost in this fantasy?
I live in many fantasy's...my reality is one.
Forever in the Fantasy of Forever.

Friday, November 05, 2004
o, and one last thing...


*walks away angry at American politics*

so, where have I been?
well, in a word work.

I'm working alot...

for next to nothing

...its kinda depressing...ok, alot depressing...

I work so much and can bearly pay bills...

I worked a full shift today...glad to finlally be home

only to go back in a few hours to do the overnight shift...

*sigh* I can't say no to more hours...I need them...but sometimes I think I'm working myself to the grave...the grave called Shoppers Drug Mart.

I finally have two days off in a row this weekend though...finally *thank you Lord*

Just in a grumble mood tonight, sorry...just sick of not being able to save money...sick of not being able to talk to LA...sick...of being sick...

but, even so there are some highlights of the past few days :)

went home to see my folks on Halloween, it was good to see peeps again, to sit and do nothing but watch movies with family was surprisingly nice...its been awhile since I just sat and watched tv...I miss it sometimes :P no tv here :D

So, the poppy's are out...I feel sometimes as though people my age have no idea why we wair the poppy...its even written on our $10 bill...

In Flanders Fields
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
If we where to forget...how horred the fate we make for our selves. Men and women died for the freedoms we take for granted now...people die even as I write this so that we can continue in our blindness of the world that is out there...wanting only our head.
They take the hit, they sweat the sweat...carry the burden so we may live the way we want...
Let us never forget.
Wair your popy in rememberance, not as a fashon statment...or...I may hit you or something :P
in other news, I was reading in the paper today...seems there are many people looking into becomming Canadians ever since Bush got re-elected (I would have voted for Kerry...sorry HA friends...I'm Canadian and Bush is hurting our Country alot) I thought this was amusing, thats all lol..peace.

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