Tuesday, November 23, 2004
I'm a slacker :P
/em kicks Goblen Fisher in the face

lol, I know I know...I hear the people now "you used to update everyday" I'm sorry peeps, I'm a slacker :P just worken hard and sleeping harder these days, thats pretty much my days the past little while, not a whole lot to talk about but I'll give it a shot :P

So, at Teen Mania I had the chance to searve in the Kitchen...more to the point of this rant I had the chance to serve on the line...I saw almost the entire ministry almost everyday, and people for the most part where plesent and it was a joy and an honor to serve them. Working with the people I did (DKC 4 Life) and having fun with the dish dutys and the Prayer call and Benji and his "DINNER'S OVER!!" call...ah, I miss it so much! From the trying to get pam to calm down to some of the most interesting conversations with Krys. From meatloaf to bread bowls from freezer to oven...yeah we didn't always have the most fun but, then again when didn't we? It was a place, an atmosphere that even somehow made trash run's fun. It didn't feel like a job because, really it wasn't..it was service, it was family...

then I look at where I am now, and its not as nice...I look at the people to whome I serve now, and its all wrong. At times its as if people forget your a human being behind the counter..or at very least don't care if you are or not...people always in a hurry...always rushing always...dead. The people I work with are nice and friendly (most of them) but there is that undertone of cliqes and rumor and backstabing that I can really only feel. All I wan't to do is gather everyone in the shift together and pray before we start but, as the only Christian...just bothersom

I miss you K-Crew...you people are more amazing and more presious then you know. And if anyone can direct the new members to this, man...I hope they feel the same way...Misty I prey your leadership is truly from God and that you are the inspiration that I know you have inside. Bubba, your the new enemy leader of DKC (well, not so new anymore lol, I'm living in the past) mess with DKC and I'll hunt ya down and, um.,..slap you with a plastic glove or something :P

DKC...BLESS BREAKFAST CREW!!! Make them breakfast and searve for them one day....really, this is a tradition.

:) so, Leigh-Anne and I may finally have that chance to see eachother again soon...please be praying that all works out for this Christmas adventure...things are looking up :) and thank you all for your prayers...they are felt.

And my little note to Selfless...if any of you still read this always remember...
Brother to Brother...yours in life and death.

if yall ever need anything let me know, really.

Peace out.

(p.s. Ian, toss me an email sometime, I'd like ta know whats up wit ya :P)

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