Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Bush in Ottawa, Christmas Bliss, Work Theifery and other random rantings from... ME!
So I feel so...good today.
Maybe because I no longer have to pick up so many shifts
maybe because its pretty cirtain that Leigh-Anne will make it here for Christmas now :)
maybe its because I slepped in till 1:15pm today O_o?

who knows, but finally things seem to be swinging into the life being peachy mode and ah, how I missed it :) major props go out to amazing family both here *hugs mom* and in Texas *hugs Leigh-Anne's mom and dad*

so yeah, things just seem to be falling into place...great things come to those who wait ..people this is truth! w00t! Praise God.

so now this means that a)I'll see Leigh-Anne through Christmas and New Years b)I won't have to pick up crazy amounts of shifts anymore c)stressing about money is evil and wrong and when you trust in Him all things seem to work out for the best and d) I told ya so! :P

So, to kindof swich gears a bit, seems if you want to go downtown Ottawa, I would wait till tomorrow to do so...cause Ottawa is a crazy place to be tonight...we're talking protests and mass crazyness alltogether today as the US president Mr. Bush himself makes his long awaited visit to the north. Its going to be interesting for sure to see...I'll just watch it on the news myself lol.

o, and I have been thinking alot recently about the amount of stolen goods/faked cash/resellers we get on a day to day bases at the store....its a little overwhelming, I mean...I got passes $80 worth of fake $20/bills the other day...would have been more if I had more change in my till....grr and the other day (again) someone just walks out of the door rather quickly with a large bag and..o, there he goes, the thing beeps..I call the supervisor as if I had done it before...


guess what people...its not worth it...

its these people that are the main reason why things cast so much...the more stuff gets stolen the more we have to raise the price to cover the cost ....AHH!!!

*goes and sits in a corner till he calms down*

ok, thefing is baad

thats it for now peeps :)


be there, or be...cubed!

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