Friday, June 17, 2005
I just woke up so cut me some slack lol...

I want to share as much of last nights dream with you as I can remember >.>

So, our story starts off with me flying somewhere, and I somehow end up in Toronto waiting for a connector I can only assume and well, this airport becomes like one I have never becomes more like a huge factory then an airport.

During my wandering of the crazy airport I meet up with this little boy who promptly tells me to get him a Visa so he can return home to China, I find this a rather odd remark until I look down and find that I am dressed as tho0ugh I work at the airport...and for some reason he thinks I can do this for him for free.

Now the more I talk to this little asian boy the more I come to find out that he has been working in this huge factory/airport...mostly like a slave, since he was stranded in the airport some time ago, and he cannot return home without a visa, and he couldn't afford one.

My heart sank for this little boy, and too make things worse...suddenly its not just him but his little sister as well...

(dangit I'm starting to lose bits now...)

we decide to go to where he is staying while in Toronto and we come this this half/house apartment thing where this very nice lady from what it appears has taken him in... this is where things got really wierd...

during our walk to this house, I get the feeling the three of us got to know eachother they where home and I was invited to dinner with the boy, the girl and the nice lady. Then the boy askes mother to join him at the table, and his sister joins him at the table...she replys "yes father" then the little girl looks slightly at my direction knowing this would catch me off guard, but with a look assurs me this is a normality...

The boy continues his role of the father figure and I just seem to get it...I look to the sister who now seems like the more mature of the bunch and give her a nod of understanding...finally the sister and I find a way to talk alone and I find out that this child, tho Asian has never even been to China, and suffers from scitso-whatever....

it was by far the most detailed, most interesting dream I ever had...

I woke up at the end of the dream, my heart broken for this little boy and his sister, and the old lady I found out was the mother who couldn't speak...

it was so odd...

well, peace out
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Understanding and Faith
Psalm 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise

Proverbs 1
1 The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel:
2 for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight;
3 for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair;
4 for giving prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young-
5 let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance-
6 for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise.
7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

Proverbs 4:5 Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or swerve from them

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

To gain in understanding and wisdom is key...but leaning on that understanding in the things of God cannot allow for God to work, for God is beyond understanding...and though understanding may guard me, faith will push me foward.

I need understanding...I need to know where to go now, I need to know what to do now... Help me...
Friday, June 10, 2005
That Place Between Faith and Wisdom
Thats kinda how I feel like now. I feel trapped between a rock and a hard place, between leaning totaly on my Faith in God's all wonderful plan, and Wisdom and all she keeps telling me. I'm so confused because I know I'm not supposed to rely on my own understanding, I just want to understand why... I need to know which way to go, I need to by guided past this fork in the road of life, I need...God

Faith says take a leap...
Wisdom says, take a leap...but wait for the right time
Faith says open that door
Wisdom says make sure the door isn't locked first...

Right now, I've been forced into a position where I have to start all over. I have to move because we can't afford rent in the house right now...meaning most lickly I'll need to find a new job unless we can find a place pretty close to where we were.

I have a hard choice to make and I'm tweeking out a bit...

Do what I have to back in Ottawa to move and find a new job or...

take that leap that wisdom denys is even an option and somehow try and move to Texas...

I need help people, I need sound advice and

if any of you know how I can somehow move to Texas and get a job legaly let me know...but for right now, though I want to open that door...I need it to be unlocked first...

*sigh* I dislike having life so up in the air...but meh, such is what it is I guess.

I love yall, be well.
Monday, June 06, 2005
On An Island All My Own
I find myself feeling so odd, I feel in such a way that cannot be discribed, just felt. I'm here on campus, in the epi-center as per usual sitting on a computer and I look up and wave up at the few people I know, its so wierd though, they arn't the same...and this new class on interns isn't like my class. It just feels, wierd.

But its so good too, I hung out with Brent for lunch today, I met up with Brett last night, I've been staying with Denver, saw Pat for a bit last night...its kinda like being back home again.

well, maybe I'll write more when I have more to say :P

I love ya Leigh, and I miss ya well.

And to the rest of yall, peace love and monkey flavered cheese
Friday, June 03, 2005
Dumb Keybords and Texas
Welp, I'm here :) I'm in love with Texas, and one Texan in particular :D

Leigh's family is about the most amazing buncha people in the known world. They are so nice...I feel like part of the family here.

So, well...this is just a short note to let you know I'm here and safe, and I leave on a road trip tonight so that should be uber fun. Anyone from FFXI, i won't see yall for a few weeks so take care and pheer teh lvl doon! know what i mean :P

o, and holy cow James and Bev, where the hack have you been? not on the game whenever I am, now thats just odd :P i'll most likely not be in much contact while on tour, but we'll see.

Better watch out Texas, the Canadian Masta Xan is here :P

P.S. Leigh-anne is much more beautiful in person, how i have missed her smile... :)

Peace love and beef jurkey everyone! L8rz!

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