Friday, June 10, 2005
That Place Between Faith and Wisdom
Thats kinda how I feel like now. I feel trapped between a rock and a hard place, between leaning totaly on my Faith in God's all wonderful plan, and Wisdom and all she keeps telling me. I'm so confused because I know I'm not supposed to rely on my own understanding, I just want to understand why... I need to know which way to go, I need to by guided past this fork in the road of life, I need...God

Faith says take a leap...
Wisdom says, take a leap...but wait for the right time
Faith says open that door
Wisdom says make sure the door isn't locked first...

Right now, I've been forced into a position where I have to start all over. I have to move because we can't afford rent in the house right now...meaning most lickly I'll need to find a new job unless we can find a place pretty close to where we were.

I have a hard choice to make and I'm tweeking out a bit...

Do what I have to back in Ottawa to move and find a new job or...

take that leap that wisdom denys is even an option and somehow try and move to Texas...

I need help people, I need sound advice and

if any of you know how I can somehow move to Texas and get a job legaly let me know...but for right now, though I want to open that door...I need it to be unlocked first...

*sigh* I dislike having life so up in the air...but meh, such is what it is I guess.

I love yall, be well.
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