Thursday, April 28, 2005
W00T! I'm in a cult again!
the first of our weekly D$D nights was last night, as always with this kind of thing the first night was Character Creation Night. Pretty self explanitory I think :P we created our charas and made up our chara sheets last night. Me? I'ma Human Sourcer..or, um...however you spell it :P

So yeah, we have Sunday Pho nights, and Wed. D&D. Bonus! I'm excited to get started into the depths of geekdom :D


This summer is comming quick, very quick...almost too quick when I take a look at the greenback stack but God is good and I'm unmoved by fear or whatever that wants tomake me think ..

(*Dramatic Re-enactment*)

AHH!!! NOOO!! I'm NEVER GONNA BE ABLE TO DO IT!! WAAAA!!!!! *continues crying like a little baby for several hours only to fall asleep in a pool of tears and snot*

sooooo yeah is pretty good, I'm rather busy all the time, but I kinda like it that way..I'm getting out oftenand domething things with people which is great for me who is usualy very anti-social.

Anywho, thats the update for today. I'll leave you with something that came into my head one day and I thought it would tie in very well with the title of this post. Peace out.

A Comedic Look at the Beginnings of a Cult of Doom!
Welcome one and all to the program, today we bring you a first hand look into the beginnings of an actual cult. Thats right, we have hidden microphones inside the secret meeting place of this satanic group. Be prepared for the worst, as this may be shocking!

(Female Voice) Well, um...hello. Welcome to the second meeting of the...well, ok so we don't really have a name yet. But Valcore assures me that we'll have a name by next meeting.

(Valcore) My names not Valcore anymore...

(F. Voice) Frig John! You change your name every other day!

(Valcore/John?) Whatever...anyway, for your information my name is Ja'bect

(f. Voice) JaWhatNow?

(Ja'Whatever) whatever. anyway where is everyone?

(F. Voice) Well, Dark Flower had a school project to finish so she's going to be late...but she said she was going to bring a friend.

(Ja'Um...yeah) Wow, seems like we're becomming quite famous! So, Jules, like think we should have trusted "Dark Flower" with the..well, you know..

(Jules [Finally we know her name!]) she was the third, these things I think work in least that what I read...

(Another Voice as a door opens) I'm here I'm here! You wouldn't believe the traffic today!

(Ja'ba the hutt) walked

(Dark Flower) oooo yeah! wow, how did you know...

(Jules) *gasp* what...

(Ja'far) *shock* are you...

(Jules) on...YOUR FEET?!?

(Dark Flower) ahh..right, see. today is laundry day and well...I didn't have any socks...and, gave me these socks last week to hold on too...and...


(Dark Flower) o common brought them last week from your dresser and started calling them "the Holy whatever"

(Jules) but they are the symble of our faith!

(Dark Flower) and how! They are REALLY comfterble!

(Ja' ...moogle?) Dark, just take them off!

(Dark Flower) pft, fine whatever!

*sounds of um...taking off socks?*

(Dark Flower) There happy?

(Jules) good, we can get started...o, Dark..where is your friend?

(Dark Flower) Funny story actually...

(Do Ja'mombo) doubtfull...

*TBC l8r...when I figure out why this was so amusing in myhead but not so amusing when I type it :P

Friday, April 08, 2005
When the Trailer Meets the House once more...
That same old question arises...
...when the Trailer meets the House
It has been a long time now,
yet only a few short months have passed
Can you believe where this has taken us?
we have seen many things...
and even if we are apart I feel
We're always somehow together prayer
in thought... love...
What has happened when the Trailer meets the House?
can the answer be put into words?
With God leading us where can't we go?
I'll tell you my something though...
When the trailer met the house, and all was as wonderful as it could be... has only gotten better...

7 months and then some, love grown strong

Forever used to seem so long, until I met you...
when the trailer met the house...
eturnity didn't seem so long anymore...
...with love I say...
I pray with delight for you always...
My heart has seen and I wait for you.

I love you.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Holy Cow! A Post!
okokok, first of all I know I know, I haven't posted in I have a reason for my absence? Um... not really to be honest. Just didn't feel much like posting lol.

Well, work is becomming more stressful yet the hours are nicer so...I'm not sure how too feel lol, I'm back on cash full-time as well as my other dutys, it was hard to get everything done just not getting done. Though managment hasn't been on my case at I think they understand the position I'm in. It can't be helped, we're low on staff right now so we're all picking up the slack a little so...though it may sound like it..I'm not compleaining...well, I don't think I am anyway :P

Work is work, but ya know...its so nice to be home and resting...I got a phone call from JOJOJOJOJOJO the other day, JoJo is about the coolest person ever. She needs prayer her out :P anywho it was awesome to talk to her and catch up.

Speaking of phone calls...just ta kinda help people figure out why I haven't called them yet or soforth...I do love you all very much. I also dispise the phone very...very much. I have no idea why I just do...therefore at times I go out of my way to avoid it when I can (sometimes unavoidable) and well, I don't seem to be checking my email much these days..I'm just one of those people who's hard to keep in touch with I guess...I'm a hermit sitting alone in my basement :P

hmm, this is looking like one of those posts that will not make any sence, I'm really tired right now so just skim though it to get the general points if ya want :P

Three days ago marked the official 7 month mark for Leigh-Anne and myself's cortship, and let me tells'll only keep getting better :D. Its hard no doubt, the distance thing drives us both a little coocoo but we have found very...interesting ways to be with eachother while being...thousands of miles apart. We talk every night on the phone, and since a few weeks ago, also both play Final Fantasy XI together (Couples that play together, stay together) she kills the mobs while I keep her alive with my mad Red Mage skillz :P its been a learning experience for us both, and we're having fun with it as well.

ok, so I guess I should start onto who I actually began posting tonight...

first of all, a basic knowlage of MMO's (Massively Multiplayer Online [games]) is required to truly understand this I think, or maybe not...but here we go.

I have, for a very long time, seen the internet as a very uniqe mission field...its connected to every corner of the world, interacting with people from Japan, Englend and the UAS...all while sitting at home in Canada is a commen thing in todays Final Fantasy XI, a MMO. a player will interact with many people from all over...many religions, many beliefs and so on (kinda getting of topic...hmm) aaanywho, God has opened many doors for ministry to be shared while playing this silly little game on my Linkshell (group within the game...not sure how to explane it...*head off to for help* *gives up*) anyway...long story cut short for sake of sleepyness, I've been able to talk about God and the Bible and all things good and awesome in the LS, and have had some interesting conversations with people as well.

Leading me into a problem of personal conviction in many ways...

you see, a housemate of mine also plays the game...dubbed "Frenchie" by the house, he is an amusing little french guy in real life...but in the game is an elvish woman. Thats not uncommen (but frankly is creepy :P) in MMO's, in fact I hold to my guns that most women Charas are actually men IRL :P but hey, thats just me..ANYWAY the issue I have is...he has people genuinly believeing he is in fact a woman, even sending fake pictures of "her"self to players to keep the illusion alive. (causing a minor scare when he had friends from in the game come visit the house, they took it in good humor though) now...we as housemates play along as to not distroy his game, but...for weeks now I have been convicted ALOT about it...straight up I'm aiding a lie by keeping my mouth shut...and it IS hurting people...there are poor souls that have "fallen in love" with Aurawind his chara...this may sound very silly to many of you but this in a way hits close to home..I too "fell in love" with an online girl...she ended up actually being female but I can understand that the feeling can seem so very real and be very what is a man to do?

Well, today...I did something...

Eragot (a guy on the Linkshell) was going on about how "Hawt" Aurawind was and I, of course, was gaging at the thought lol...then I got to thinking that he has one of the fake pictures and that he actually thinks that a she, so in a personal tell message I explaned to him everything...

Frenchie caught wind of this and promply was in my room telling me how everyhitng is ruined now and that all I had to do was say nothing, that wasn't lieing....

then he asked me

"So what do I do now?"

I answered

"Perhaps tell the truth."

I dunno, somehting about the statment "And the Truth shall set you free" fit in right there...

I might have opened a can-o-worms here...and I pray the Lord guides me...I just wanna be pure...and I don't wanna lie...especially to people I have kinda befrended...

anywho, this post probably makes no sence at all...cause I'm WAY too tired to be posting...

well, peace out..I'm going to bed.

(P.S. Leigh-Anne is the hawt)

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