Thursday, April 28, 2005
W00T! I'm in a cult again!
the first of our weekly D$D nights was last night, as always with this kind of thing the first night was Character Creation Night. Pretty self explanitory I think :P we created our charas and made up our chara sheets last night. Me? I'ma Human Sourcer..or, um...however you spell it :P

So yeah, we have Sunday Pho nights, and Wed. D&D. Bonus! I'm excited to get started into the depths of geekdom :D


This summer is comming quick, very quick...almost too quick when I take a look at the greenback stack but God is good and I'm unmoved by fear or whatever that wants tomake me think ..

(*Dramatic Re-enactment*)

AHH!!! NOOO!! I'm NEVER GONNA BE ABLE TO DO IT!! WAAAA!!!!! *continues crying like a little baby for several hours only to fall asleep in a pool of tears and snot*

sooooo yeah is pretty good, I'm rather busy all the time, but I kinda like it that way..I'm getting out oftenand domething things with people which is great for me who is usualy very anti-social.

Anywho, thats the update for today. I'll leave you with something that came into my head one day and I thought it would tie in very well with the title of this post. Peace out.

A Comedic Look at the Beginnings of a Cult of Doom!
Welcome one and all to the program, today we bring you a first hand look into the beginnings of an actual cult. Thats right, we have hidden microphones inside the secret meeting place of this satanic group. Be prepared for the worst, as this may be shocking!

(Female Voice) Well, um...hello. Welcome to the second meeting of the...well, ok so we don't really have a name yet. But Valcore assures me that we'll have a name by next meeting.

(Valcore) My names not Valcore anymore...

(F. Voice) Frig John! You change your name every other day!

(Valcore/John?) Whatever...anyway, for your information my name is Ja'bect

(f. Voice) JaWhatNow?

(Ja'Whatever) whatever. anyway where is everyone?

(F. Voice) Well, Dark Flower had a school project to finish so she's going to be late...but she said she was going to bring a friend.

(Ja'Um...yeah) Wow, seems like we're becomming quite famous! So, Jules, like think we should have trusted "Dark Flower" with the..well, you know..

(Jules [Finally we know her name!]) she was the third, these things I think work in least that what I read...

(Another Voice as a door opens) I'm here I'm here! You wouldn't believe the traffic today!

(Ja'ba the hutt) walked

(Dark Flower) oooo yeah! wow, how did you know...

(Jules) *gasp* what...

(Ja'far) *shock* are you...

(Jules) on...YOUR FEET?!?

(Dark Flower) ahh..right, see. today is laundry day and well...I didn't have any socks...and, gave me these socks last week to hold on too...and...


(Dark Flower) o common brought them last week from your dresser and started calling them "the Holy whatever"

(Jules) but they are the symble of our faith!

(Dark Flower) and how! They are REALLY comfterble!

(Ja' ...moogle?) Dark, just take them off!

(Dark Flower) pft, fine whatever!

*sounds of um...taking off socks?*

(Dark Flower) There happy?

(Jules) good, we can get started...o, Dark..where is your friend?

(Dark Flower) Funny story actually...

(Do Ja'mombo) doubtfull...

*TBC l8r...when I figure out why this was so amusing in myhead but not so amusing when I type it :P

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