Tuesday, February 21, 2006
A Quicky Regarding "Protesting" Muslems
I'm not going to get too long winded about this...

But is it right that the media has deemed it wise to justify the recent violance by a large number of so-called "protesters"? Of course I say so-called because it seems more just an excuse to kill Jews and Christians ans, well..white people in general distroying the lives of people not even remotely connected to the creating or publishing of those stupid comics.

And, if memory serves me correctly, isn't this the same group of people who, after 9/11 swore up and down they where a very peaceful and enlightened religion? Didn't they assure us that they where non-violent and that the terrorism was the work of a few crazys?

Hey, Muslems....get a clue! Your Koren talks about the taking of human lives...and not in a positive light. If your so upset about people not taking your religion seriously, give us a reason too...READ YOUR OWN HOLY BOOK! Think your going to win respect by killing innocent people? Think your going to make people respect your great profet? Point in fact...the cartoon is being proven more true then we thought. Your violent, murderious and its a shame that the media has alowed themselves to be scared into complyance of your demands for respect.

Want respect? Stop killing people. Want respect? Stop burning buildings. Want respect? Earn it.

P.S. A shout out to Canadian Muslems, you people are actauly pretty awesome. Thank you for not following in the ways of the people across the big pond and staging peacefull protests...thankyou for useing your heads and not losing them, thank you for remembering what it is your protesting and working to do something about it. Thank you for once again making me very proud to be Canadian.

Well, I'm done..l8rs
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