Tuesday, January 24, 2006
qui vous est cher?
Alot of feelings and emotions have been passing though my mind for a while now.

As many of you may or may not know, I tend to be one who does not express my emotions well...I tend to often retreat here or to my own thoughts when something bothers me or, any number of things really.

I guess the first thing I want to say tonight is, dispite some people's thoughts to the contrary... I LOVE Miss Leigh-Anne Walston with all my heart and soul.

I say this because I get the feeling from a few people I know that they do not think this is the case. If I am wrong I'm sorry. Maybe I should start from what set off this little rant of mine.

Last week I went to visit my good friends Kristy and Shawn. It was fun, played video games, watched a movie..you know, the usual; but at one point in the night as I went over to Kristy's compy to chat a little with Leigh to tell her I should be home kinda soon and whatever...Shawn says, "Why don't you just ignore her?".

Ignore her? huh? What?

Kristy I think was caught a little off guard by the comment herself and added "Would you ignore me?".

Now, needless to say I took great offence to his comment and, truth be told have avoided visiting there for some time now. That compounded by my mother and sister poking fun at MY FUTURE WIFE while I'm sitting right there...I'm sure you can see that this little rant is a long time coming.

I want you all to hear me right now. Any comment directed at Leigh-Anne or a comment made about her is also a comment made to personally attack me as well, and though my nature usualy makes it so I just ignore it and walk away...thats soon going to come to an end.

I would like for you to just take a moment and try to wrap your mind around this for a second. Laigh and I are pushing though a very rough long distance relationship, something that few people will even attempt because is retarded hard and quite frankly I fail to see how it could be done without God's everlasting love and inspiration. Shawn, you see your girlfriend every freeking day, you see her eyes you touch her, she is right there and you know you would never, could never just "ignore" her needs "ignore" the fact that if you wernt there she would miss you, want to talk to you every waking hour, and if you could...I question what love means to you.

My one wish in all this right now...that my folks could just, for one moment in my life stop judging people...judging who I'm with, basing there thoughts about people not on who they are...but how much money they make. Not by how happy they are, but by what status they hold.

I love Patsy Leigh-Anne Walston, she will be my wife in a short time from now, this one thought seems to be my one place of pure joy. My refuge inside my mind when I can't take this would's harshness anymore.

I love her, and for some messed up reason she loves me back...why can't that be good enough for those who clame to care for me? Thats all I need, thats all I ever wanted.

What good is one glove without the other?

I want so much to be with her right now, just...to see her smile, that would make my day. Yeah, I'm gonna hold onto that thought and smile.

take offence to this if you want...I'm sure if you have you haven't even read this far anyway...blast me, tell me I'm way off base...just, before you do...look in a mirror.

qui vous est cher?
who do you love?

Respect the one I love with the same respect you would show me. Place yourself in my shoes for just one moment before you speak, before you breath, remember the one you love...

We are wed, April 8th. I hope you can come. Friends.
Thank you for standing up for me. I love you...:)
I would like to say something myself...yeah, I normally don't get offended easily, but when it is ever directed to my future husband, myself, or my family you can beat I will say something. Who in life's years has trouble? EVERYONE! So, if you could stop judging me for what you see or what you "think" you know about me...and take some time to get to know "me" not my "family"s status. The "me" who has truly wanted to get to know you. And let me add this...in nicest way I can think of...my status is NOT my parents status, so don't judge my family or me, ok?...because someday our families will be one...

I would also like to know something...Shawn, I would like to get to know you more, but after that comment directed to Chris about me... I am now going to have to think about it. Well, you might have waited to think about it before you said it, because I think you might have offended your own girl. But I might be wrong, but you should talk to her about that.

I just wish...along with Chris...that people would place themselves in our shoes and see what is going on in our lives before they say things to hurt someone they say they care about.

Long distance relationships suck...and if you haven't been in one...you have no room to talk....so don't
I know how you feel, Ashby. LauRen and I are going througha long distance thing with marriage in mind as well. It has been very rough for th eboth of us. Be encouraged Brother, what one man can do, another can do! Call me whever you so desire: 301-830-2663
I'd respond here, but I tagged it instead for some reason. :P

Loves to ya boths!
Oh, and...

Yeah, he would ignore me. For a few hours. And I would deserve it, having bombarded his friends and family with messages etc. Then we'd bitch, then make up, then all would be good. Oh, yeah, then we'd have a kick ass wedding.

So I'm not offended by his comment. I actually can't even remember it at all, but reading this in Xan's blog, I laughed. XD

Advice: don't sweat the small stuff. There's more to life. ;)
Guess I should post the response in here instead of on the tag board:

Ok, how about "ignoring" somebody when they bombard you with messages when you're NOT HOME? How about how LA - bless her, I DO adore her, Chris, like I do you - keeps bombarding BEVERLY with messages too on FF as if she can somehow make you appear? She doesn't like that.

I've done the distance thing while Shawn was still outta reach. But you know what? I NEVER annoyed his friends or family up there. I bit the bullet and waited for him to come home every evening, and while I talked to him daily, I still made time for my friends here...

And Chris. What about when Dave was trying to get phone calls about the many important job opportunities from Europe but the line was always busy? It's stuff like that that is starting to frustrate people.

Chris, you did NOT look like you were enjoying the conversation. You looked upset. And, we were supposed to be watching movie, etc, but you kept getting interrupted by a conversation that you didn't seem to find appropriate at the moment, hence Shawn's suggestion. Nothing against LA (I love the nick LA... it sounds so hip! XD) but Shawn was frustrated too.

I adore you both, but don't let frustrations over a distance relationship affect all your relationships here, either.
One more thing...
"My refuge inside my mind when I can't take this would's harshness anymore."

"The world", your God, whoever, has been pretty damned good to you, Chris. You have a loving soon-to-be-wife who you will live with shortly, you have a secure job and a roof over your head, you have hobbies to entertain your mind, and a healthy relationship with your God.

Don't talk like you've been spurned. Appreciate what you have, or you risk loosing it all. Fate is fucked up. Wake the fuck up!!
Well, I was going to hold this back until it cooled, but Kristy has insisted that I post, vent, and let you see how I can truly say enough is enough.

First, I never doubted your love for one another. Ever. The fact that you've managed to survive a long-distance relationship this long is more than enough to show anyone that you love each other. I'll admit, when I first heard of the wedding I thought it a little rushed, but I didn't say a thing about then or since. I'm sure you're both heads over heels for each other, and I'm glad for it and glad for you both. However! Kristy and I DID go through the long-distance thing for quite some time ourselves. And yes, we did speak frequently, for which I grudge you not. But never did we go on to other people's computers when we were visiting their homes and spend all our time talking to each other. And if she ever had attempted it, you're damn right I would have ignored her. I would have ignored her until I got home, and then lectured her about how rude it is to message other people in an attempt to contact me about some pointless frivolity, when it can very easily wait until I got home that evening. Yet every week, you hop on one of our computers and chat with her at some point in the evening for a very extended period of time. And don't tell me you were just telling her you'd be home soon. You were on the computer for almost the entire movie talking with her. Any idea how that makes us feel? Any idea how that makes everyone who is visiting here feel? Yes, talk with her nightly, I encourage it, but don't talk to her when you're visiting another's apartments. It makes us all feel like we're being slighted for a person whom you talk to more often than we get the chance to talk to you.

And Leigh-Anne, I know you miss him and you're anxious to talk with him all the time. But do you think it can wait until he gets home? Kristy, Bev, and all the other people you hound with the questions, is Chris there, do you know when he'll be home, are getting damned sick of it. We're not his keeper! Usually he isn't here, and usually none of us know where he is. Kristy has often wondered if he's still alive. Honestly, most of us get one night a week, when we're lucky, to see him. You've got to learn to share him a bit, or people are going to start not liking you because of your possessiveness. There. I've said it. You're CLINGY and you easily become JEALOUS as a result of your unfortunate separation. I get that, but you've got to give him some room to breathe and some time to enjoy himself with other people. All I, and the whole bunch of his friends, are really asking for is one night a week when we're allowed to talk with him for a few hours. Is that really so much to ask? Are you really so insecure in your relationship that you have to lock him away from his other friends? I know damn well that Chris is upset about Chuck's girl doing the same to him, so I'd really think about providing him a bit of space. Why am I intervening on his behalf? Because, on the night in question, the two of you weren't just chatting, you were arguing (the chatlog on K's computer proves this, so don't bother denying it) and although Chris thinks himself a complete stoic, he was beginning to look very angry on this end. I don't know why he was angry exactly, but I know damn well that he was enjoying himself previously when he was allowed a bit of freedom.

I could go on. Oh man I could go on. But I'm pretty sure if I did, niether of you would ever speak with me again. Heck, I'm not even sure either of you will speak with me as a result of the rant I went on above. If not, well fuck you both, I still wish you a good life. If you will, I hope you'll consider other people's feelings, instead of just each others, in the future.
Also, could you please remove that music from this site. Your autoplay=0 does not work. Just remove it. Please.
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