Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Thanks Denver for helping me fix my site :D
So alot has happend since I updated last, so...lets go back and revisit some old memerys shall we?

on Augest 13th, Friends of mine graduated (finally) from the Honor Academy's undergrad program. Congradulations Brent and Pat, I am very proud of you and know your gonna go on to great things :D

on that same day I asked Miss. Leigh-Anne Walston for her hand in marrage, she said yes, I'm still kinda giddy from that day. (If you want more details, Leigh has been nice enough to post the whole story on her Xanga site [Xanga id: stolen_2004] see? Told ya she rocks :P)

I wanted so much to share with friends and sit down and talk with people like Brett and Denver but as it seems to with every visit too teen mania these days, time would slip away and Leigh and I would be off to Dallas too do some dancing that never actually happened due to poor planning on the part of the event coordnators. Sad times, I really wanted to dance :P

soon after we where back at Leigh-Anne's place with not a whole lot of time left for me in the US.

Tuesday came and Tuesday went and sadness was in less abundance then I had planned for, maybe because I know the next time I see her, I won't ever be leaving her again...but whatever the case I am home now, slightly fearfull as to what the next week will bring, James and Bev are moving to Kemptville (only with me if they actually find a place and not Bev's folks) My boss has said I have hours if I want them but, I really need to know what I am doing by weeks end because well, I may not be able to keep the job (sadness) and yeah, be prying lol...

but all is good, Leigh has been working pretty hard and we have been talking alot and planning and formulating and whatnot, seems like as of right now we have a Place, Time, Date set :)

O, and in case you wanna know (and haven't been to Leigh''s Xanga yet [slacker]) It looks like the date is set for April 8, 2006.

Engagment seem kinda short to you? Truth be told its a little shorter then my family is used too, and in my current educational state we're probably very silly for this, but for a second remember that we love eachoither with everything we are, we know we are going to get married, we know we want to be with eachother...and to postpone the wedding would only mean postponing the long distance crap that eats away at my very being everyday :P

Its a big step, and yes, a risky one. But we have thought long and hard, have prayed our brains out and you know, it'll work out. We do understand the wisdom in this, but we also understand that sometimes, its better to take a leap of faith and, as this whole relationship has had to be since the beginning....be rooted in Love.

anywho, yeah....I've updated...not stop spearing me O__o l8r.

P.S. Denver Root, we need to talk, I'll call you when I can or catch you on MSN or something.
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