Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Not an update...
News to come soon, I promise...but I'm too tired for that right now sooo instead you get this.

Really long Meme

[x] almost drowned
[x] almost got hit by a car
[x] snuck out of the house
[ ] gotten lost in your city
[x] seen a shooting star
[x] been to any other countries besides the one your were born in
[ ] had a serious surgery
[x] gone out in public in your pajamas
[ ] kissed a stranger
[x] hugged a stranger
[x] been in a fist fight
[ ] been arrested
[x] consumed alcohol
[ ] laughed and had milk/coke come out of your nose
[x] pushed all the buttons on an elevator
[ ] made out in an elevator
[ ] kicked a guy where it hurts
[ ] gone to a casino
[ ] been skydiving
[ ] broken a bone
[ ] skinny-dipped
[x] skipped school
[ ] flashed someone
[ ] saw a therapist
[ ] played spin the bottle
[ ] gotten stitches
[x] bitten someone
[x] gotten the chicken pox
[x] kissed a member of the opposite sex
[ ] kissed a member of the same sex
[ ] crashed into a friend's car
[x] been in a car accident
[x] ridden in a taxi
[x] been dumped
[ ] shoplifted
[ ] been fired
[ ] ever had a crush on someone of the same sex
[x] had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
[ ] stole something from your job
[ ] lied to a friend
[ ] had a crush on a teacher
[ ] celebrated mardi-gras in New Orleans
[ ] been to Europe
[ ] been married
[ ] gotten divorced
[ ] had children
[ ] saw someone die
[x] driven over 400 miles in one day
[x] been on a plane
[x] seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
[ ] thrown up in a bar
[ ] purposely set a part of myself on fire
[x] eaten sushi
[x] been snowboarding
[x] met someone in person from the internet
[x] been moshing at a rock show
[ ] been to a moto cross show
[ ] gone to college/university
[ ] graduated college/university
[x] taken painkillers
[x] love someone right now
[x] miss someone right now
[x] they call me: Ashby
[x] also: Chris or Xan Online.
[x] sex: M
[x] my first breath of air: October 28th, 1983
[x] age: 21
[x] occupation: retail
[x] nationality: Canadian
[x] best friend[s]: James, Kristy, Demver...
[x] most memorable memory: Proposal Day at the Tree -.O
[x] worst?: We don't talk about that...
[x] first word uttered: gaga? I dunno...
[x] first bestfriend ever!?: lol, oddly enough Mr. Melborn and I where very close growing up (way back when he lived on my street) but, times change
[x] college/university planning to go: Yes.
[x] future resident of: The Road
[x] wedding: :D of course
[x] children: 2-3, One adopted
[x] looking forward to: April
[x] NOT looking forward to: the months leading up to April :P
[x] feeling: tired
[x] listening: RadioU.com, TFK is on right now
[x] talking: to nobody, cause I'm the only one home O.O
[x] doing: er...this thing, prolly should be sleeping
[x] craving: Solid Ground
[x] thinking of: Leigh-Anne
[x] hating: the hatred that lives so deep in the heart of this world
[x] love is: Jesus
[x] first love: lol, o my... remember how stupid I went over Karen? eww..
[x] current love: Leigh-Anne
[x] love or lust?: um, duh? Love.
[x] best love song: Song of Songs (yes the book in the Bible)
[x] is it possible to be in love with more than one person at the same time?: the many types of love in this world would force my hand to say yes, but; to love your wife is to love none like that ever again...none but her.
[x] when love hurts, you: Search out the broken hearts club, and beat them up for wrecking the K-Crew messageboard...er, well...nm
[x] true or false - all you need is love: Jesus = Love, so yeah
[x] have you ever been in love?: yes
[x] is there such thing as love at first sight?: At first meeting, yes...
[x] which do you prefer? Women
[x] turn ons: a wonderful laugh, a sence of reality, knowlage of love that surpasses a surface lvl head knowlage, all things Leigh-Anne
[x] turn offs: the thought of beauty as an outward visual, wonderers, the ones with no plan and no goals
[x] Do your parents' opinion on your bf/gf matter to you?: No. That said I'm happy they like her :D cause in the end I love my folks and would hate for that to tare us apart.
[x] what kinda hair style?: Generaly I find short hair to be more attractive, I find ladies with long hair do nothing but tie it back anyway, might as well just cut it away from your face :P
[x] the sweetest thing a member of the finer sex can do for you?: Leigh-Anne would wake me up every mourning too kiss me and to let me see her off to work everyday...I loved it.
[x] where do you go to meet new people?: meeting people, I used to do that once, it was called the Honor Academy :P
[x] are you the type of person to ask for numbers?: er, no
[x] dog or cat: A mute little wrinkly dog, kinda like tash but with less bark
[x] short or long hair: short
[x] innie or outie: er...I dunno
[x] sunshine or rain: a nice light shower
[x] moon or sun: moon
[x] righty or lefty: righty
[x] hugs or kisses: hugs
[x] 1 best friend or 10 acquaintances: one best friend
[x] bf/gf or best friend: gf
[x] tv or radio: RadioU - Its where Radio is going!
[x] starbucks or second cup: STARBUCKS IS THE DEVIL!
[x] mcdonald's or burger king: Wendy's
[x] summer or winter: Winter
[x] written letters or e-mails: e-mails
[x] playstation or nintendo: Playstation
[x] disney or nickelodeon: Pixar
[x] car or motorcycle: motorcycle
[x] house party or club: house party
[x] sing or dance: dance
[x] grind or slow dance: slow dance
[x] msn messenger or aim: MSN
[x] google or yahoo?: GOOGLE PWNS THE WORLD
[x] can you swim?: yes
[x] whats your most embarrassing moment?: life is just one big happy one of these :P
[x] what are you scared of?: Fear
[x] what is your greatest accomplishment?: come back to me on that one :P
[x] what kinda roof is over your head?: er...ma old house' roof?
[x] do you like tomatoes?: Nu!
[x] how many TVs in the house?: as of right now, 1
[x] how many phones?: again as of right now, 2 cordless and the base...and my cell phone
[x] how many residents?: as of tomorrow 0
[x] how many DVDs do you have?: a few ?
[x] last doctor visit: a long time ago, I think it was about my ears
[x] last phone call: Ma new place, telling them I won't be there tonight
piercings = 0:x:
tattoos = 0:x:
height = 6'3":x:
shoe size = Men's 13:x:
hair color = dirty blonde:x:
eye color= blue:x:
siblings = 1 brother, 1 sister
movies you watched = The Last Samuri:x:
movie you bought = Miss Con..er...hoeeveryouspellit 2, for Leigh-Anne :P:x:
song you listened to = something from Piller just played I think:x:
song that was stuck in your head = "Mouth Like a Magazeen" by someband >.>:x:
cd you bought = Can't remember.:x:
cd you listened to = "Snuff The Punk" POD:x:
person that's called you = Leigh-Anne:x:
tv show you've watched = The Flintstones on the Airplane home:x:
person you were thinking of = Leigh-Anne of course:x:
friend you made = Leigh's bro Mike...:x:
you have a crush on someone = yes:x:
you wish you could live somewhere else = ...:x:
you think about suicide = no:x:
you believe in online dating = no:x:
others find you attractive = so I'm told:x:
you want more piercings = no:x:
you drink = nope:x: you do drugs = no:x:
you like cleaning = not really:x:
you like roller coasters = yup:x:
you write in cursive or print = print
long distance relationships = against, but when you love her...you do what you must:x:
using someone = against:x:
suicide = against:x:
killing people = against:x:
teenage smoking = against, :x:
doing drugs = against:x:
driving drunk = against:x:
gay/lesbian relationships = hate the sin:x:
soap operas = against
food = Pizza, a big ol' Canadian Pizza :D, pho:x:
band = right now? I think I'm back to Thousand Foot Kruch since the new album came out:x:
song = "January 1979" mewithoutYou:x:
thing to do = play Risk or hangout with peeps:x:
thing to talk about = overthrowing the American Imperialist Regime (stolen answer from Shawn, but I like it :P):x:
sports = Hokeyx:
drinks = Pepsi, American Moutain Dew:x:
clothes = ma pj's:x:
singer = "singer" from mewithoutYou:x:
holiday = er, any day I get off work?

---cutting this short...and going to bed, l8r
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