Thursday, July 14, 2005
I need to update more...
heyhey all, i'm back finally...figured i'd give you peeps an update on life in Texas...soooo, where do i begin.

Lets talk about the weather...

well, for the first month roughly it was hot...very hot and very humid (so I hear your not far off back we're talking really really hot...the sun is far too close down here I swear the sun is falling slowly and will soon crash into Texas...and these people won't even flinch...people will be like "warm day out...well, jut turn up the ol AC then yall..." and so on. Though the last week or so (after a full month of no rain) we have seen downpours that you can only see in texas.

sooo, okokok....

I know a few people have been wondering about if I'm really planning on comming back to Canada after my few months is up here...i'm still unsure but it looks like everything is pointing to yes. Between governmental road blocks and wisdom saying i might wanna have a job if I plan too merry (for on that shortly) sooner then later and whatnot...and although Augest 16th is gonna be about the hardest time ever (I expect icecream and cookies and pizza when I get home :P) but in the much bigger picture that I like to call "life" it really just makes sence. Though with that being said...if the of opertunity opens up for me to be able to stay here and whatnot, I'll pray and ask if its Gods will (something I'm already doing) and we'll go from there. you know.

Leigh and I are doing great. We're both really really poor right now, so we're enjoying our own little house arrest here, not that I mind too much...I mean heck...its in here in the AC or...*fear* out there in the *cringe* sun *sneeze*. but we have gotten out and done some stuff...seen a few malls (one of then was sooo cool, so much to do and buy...I was in this really neet Nascar an arcade on speed or something, it was awesome. We've seen a few movies (Batman Begins, Madagasgar) and eaten lots of fast and not so fast food. but for the most part we are "Chillen out" and loven it. I'm just so thankful to have this chance to be a real honest to goodness couple...cause I hate the long distance does she.

so I'll end this post with some news that'll get you peeps talking and whatnot i'm sure lol.

Engagment Ring: Obtained, Ashby Recieves 100 Experience points

or...something like that...*blink*

Much love from that great hot south...know that i miss yall. For

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