Monday, December 06, 2004
The wish list, Alcoholism and renewed respect
Hola! So, um..yeah, its been awhile huh? I'm sorry...many hours of work snuck up on this one.

The Overnight Shift: 9:30PM till 8:30AM ... two people stuck in the store all night putting up talkers and changing ends....AHH!!!

and yeah, plus the regular shifts...but work wasn't in the post's title so....forget I mentioned it lol

so yeah, here is a link peeps should look at, you'll need realplayer to view it but, its sort of a "I told ya so" from me to drinkers lol...

but in reality it goes much deeper then that, I remember the talks about alcoholism at the HA and how split we where as a whole about the whole thing, which of course is fine, but at the same time alot that was said about some alcohol actualy being good for you could all perhaps be a lie constructed by the very people trying to sell you a pruduct...wouldn't that turn around a few of those conversations? I think it might.

One of those days I'm soglad I don't drink lol...I'm still sittin at 0% canser risk as to my knowlage lol... non-smoker, don't own a cell phone, don't drink, um....well, there are too many things that give you canser these days but I think I'm away from the major ones :)

o, and smoking is just sick...I know thats kinda random but wow...I was talking to a co-worker the other day and we where discussing our mutual dislike of drinking and smoking...turns out there are other people in the world that agree that stuffing your body full of poisen might in fact kill you some day...

nice to know I'm not alone sometimes :P

I have gotten into thinking more about my brother as of late, I hope he is doing is a well known fact that I share my father's pure dislike of smoking...potentially for the same reasons...would have been nice to meet my grandmother at a time where I could have remembered her...then I sit here and think of my brother who, smokes quite a bit...and my mother of whom I love so much, she's like an amazing friend to me as well as a wicked cool mother figure :P I just don't wanna see anything bad happen that could have been avoided is all...maybe I worry too much too. Little does my family know just how much I think about them and love them dearly///I don't express it vocaly much, probably cause in some ways I'm way too much like my father...I hide things inside far too much and they only comeout in a pinnical of emotion that, often times is as random as my personality is.

The same was true with Leigh-Anne, remember that hun? Took me a long time to get out the fact that I liked you lol...I wonder if it was the same deal with my mom and dad...

more and more these days I seem to be at a cross roads of trying no to impose my point of view onto others vs. alowing them to see the harm they are causing themselves...I so often findmyself wishing only to say something then waving it off as to not offend them. Then I remember one of my many rants of times gone by where I would seemingly shout from the rooftop "LET ALL BE OFFENDED" cause I didn't care if I offended people as long as I got the message out...and I remember yet another rant that left these very fingers some time ago explaining that even Jesus Himself offended many people, thus having his life endangered often...and in the end having that offence lead him to the cross where our salvation would be secured...

perhaps I fear my own cross...perhaps I come to the point where Jesus says "Take up your cross and follow Me" and I look at the large cross and already I feel the weight of it before I even take it upon my sholder...I cringe at the thought of the pain that it would most surtainly inflict onto this body. I remember a time, while I laid to rest on the wet muddy grass of a football field, almost to afraid to shut my eyes saying to myself "I will beat my body and make it my slave" and I come now to the realization that indeed it has come to pass that I have not enslaved my body, but have let the fear and the anxiety of this flesh to take control of me.

I will continue this thought in privite with God, seeking His wisdom and Guedence...

So, it would seem that I have found a renewed respect for the American president George W. Bush. His visit to Ottawa was as expected, protesters....loudness all over and discussions with the Prime-Minister that lead into expected "unexpected" missle defence talks that, as of right now we Canadians still have no idea what that would intail. My new found respect came when I listened to the speach made my the US preident in Halifax at peir 21...shuffling though his rather corney and often rediculas attempts at Canadian humor was a gratitude for Canada's help during 9/11 maybe not with his words per-say, more maybe with the invitation of eastern family's that housed US family's that where stranded in Canada ( O NO!) for days at a time. But, I think what hit me the most was his willingness to talk about and at very least mention the issues that where important to us as Canadians, as well as standing strong and firm on his beliefs without impeding them onto a nation that...frankly would rather see Bush strung up then see him in office again. I just hope that his visit (as short as it was) somehow started the mending of our broken ties. Our two nations rely on eachother (o....which reminds me, I was watching the news and they decided to show us how American news channals where reporting the same thing...and they cut to one [Fox News] and well, I had never been so politicly angry was a discussion with a well known former Canadian MP discussing her views on Canadian/US relations....the reporter is rather overzealos in my humble opinion and just as the MP states that Canada and the US rely on eachother as trade partners the reporter states that the USA is the superpower of the world and that don't have any need for Canada at all so shouldn't Canada just give in to whatever the USA wants? can see how....upset I became at this comment. grr)

anyway, this is it boys and girls, after much thought and delay its time for

*musical number*


again, I hate making these so meh :P and there is no order to the random numbering and...yeah so whatever here we go :)


Final Fantasy XI: Chains of Promathia PC


Shoes...*blink* yeah, I need new shoes bad :P

and Gloves...yeah, that walk to work is gettin cold :P

hmm, grr...time to get ready for work..must leave...much love all, peace to ya homies

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