Saturday, October 30, 2004
Thank you so much everyone for the birthday greetings and such, made me feel really special and I just want to let you all know that I love you peeps alot. Really, you all mean so much too me you have no idea probably.

Well, in a sicker note...Its offical...I'm finally fully sick. Been fighting it off for a while but its in full swing now, doesn't help that I couldn't sleep at all last night cause of my stuffy nose

(edit: grr...the rest of the post got lost, I said alot too some people I wanted to share my heart with...maybe I'll re-type it later once I feel better. Sorry all.)

(P.S. If anyone sees Joanne Garcia this weekend..KICK HER IN THE SHINS FOR ME!!! She needs it, I just know these things :P peace.)

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