Sunday, October 24, 2004
The World of Vana'diel pt. 4
Isn't is wonderful?
So, beautiful it is...
well, is it really?
You look at this world, you see the northern lights and smile, not because of its beauty..because that is fake...pixles on a screen...but you smile because it is a certian, rarity that most don't see...
What makes you smile? Is it the fake wonders of this world?
sure, there are many things that could put a smile on your seeing a Turuturu riding a Chocobo, always cause for a smile...but when does fantasy end and reality begin?
Its no wonder fantasy is so much more inviting, we know what can make us smile so we invent that very thing...and take away the pain attached to so many things here on earth...we wisk ourselves away too a world where nothing causes pain...where there is no memories of a past so hunting
We come into w world where we can finaly be who WE want to be, not what big brother wants us too be, not what society wants us to be, its finally up too us we have the control...we choose our path and walk wonder fantasy is so engulfing
But a pixalated world cannot take you far enough away from this world, and soon once again you return here to rest and eat...
why not find more here then food and rest?
Just as you explore Vana'diel, maybe its time to explore this world...give it another shot, see what it has too offer...maybe even
meet its creator...
doesn't that sound like a grand adventure?
...Forever in the Fantasy of Forever...

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