Thursday, October 21, 2004
The World of Vana'diel pt. 3
Where are we going?
What are we doing?
We huddle together in one place, so many of us...we distroy the target then...we leave...never once really caring if somebody was slain in the battle, unless of course it ment our own distruction.
Where are we going? What are we doing?
Who is being hurt by the choices we make?
Do others suffer so you can succeed?
They probably do and you don't even realize it...
The little man.
but its ok isn't it? Like the big fish eating the smaller, it must do so to stay alive right?
That is, until you meet up with the fisherman...then your that much more taisty when you end up in the frying pan...
makes one think doesn't it?
no matter who you step over or on to get where you want to be in life..there will always be someone to step right back on you...always.
So why step at all?
Why not take your time? avoid the steps of others and be wise instead of sly?
Other human beings are not here for your advancement...
...we are here to give glory...
To One
Much love all, I'm going to bed.

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