Saturday, September 25, 2004
Now Playing: LFO; Summer Girls

hey Pat, remember that one? lol...I do. I remember thinking that you where going to get in so much trouble, you and your silly secular music :P ah, if only you actually read this but meh, I find that so often my thoughts are in the past. I remember spending all my time in the caf...all my friends just knew where to find me. I remember all the conversations I had with so many people. Brett? You read this? Remember the meetings? I miss them so much, dude I miss just hanging out it your room and whining about life most of the time...sharing what God has been doing. My dreams and plans...Brent, you added that much needed spark to our core :) did you ever know how much it hurt to see you go? Though I doubt you read this as well I just wonnder what God is doing in your life right now.

Leigh-Anne :) ah, so many memories there...I remember when Pat took me aside and very nicely thought that I might be spending too much time with her...though I was working with her and much of it couldn't be helped..ah, silly. But I remember Pat, o how I wish you read this...I remember much later on when you and I where talking very late at night. I remember it so well cause it was one of those moments where you opened right up, it was told me that you where wrong to confront me...that if I liked her that was fine. I had no idea what you where talking about at the time of I said I worked with her, we where brother and sister and that was it for me. If God told me to be a BTR well, I was more then happy to ablige at that point :P lol after everything I had been though with girls...everything I had put them though in my own sin...BTR wouldn't be that bad...there would be so much pain avoided but, thats not where its looking like I'm being led...and I still have to chuckle a little at Pats warning of spending too much time with her. No, it wasn't wrong at all, at that point in the internship, where I was still dealing with feelings for another in my own heart plus the fact that it was the internship and she was my, to get dismissed because I couldn't keep my emotions in check...for me that would have been obsurd. There wasn't any then mind there are a high range of emotions that, Lord help me, can sometimes be overwhelming :P but this time its right...this time I don't mess it up, this time I don't regret a thing...this time God is the focus and she and I have a very...well, lets not spoil what God may intend as a surprise but, all I know is that I see peace, purity, happyness, much in this relationship. Praise God.

Hey Pat, if by some random chance you find your way here and get to read this...I would love to get in touch with you after so long. Pich me an email ...

there is so much I could much I could tell you about, but maybe..just maybe I will give you the chance it before you find it :)

I love you all, from my HA comrads of whom I share many hard times and victories with, my friends here in the north, many of whom have given me so much, including a place to call home, my family whom I love so much (hey Ryan, now that you can drive..COME VISIT ME!!!) hehe, to past friends and past enemys...time heals all wounds and God has a way of making even the most wrong come around for the right...

I remember back in high seem there where a few of us who all lived pretty close, grew up together we did. Nick my cousen, Shane Harding, Clarke Thomas, Allen Hibine...there where others but we where the ones that grew up together practicly from birth...

Shane and I where good friends until sometime in 4th or 5th grade...after that he started the climb on the popularity latter I guess...during high school we barly even spoke if at all...and if we did it wasn't plesent...

but time heals all things so it would seem...

I met up with him a few weeks ago, just after Matthew's passing and you know what? it was as if we where friends again, we talked little about high school other then the fact that it was a bad memory that was much better forgotten...after that meeting we went to play pool with Nick and Shane was there as was so amazing...

God has a way of using time to heal so much... :)

well, I must go...dang post better post, usualy tries to lose my longer ones :P lol...much love

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