Friday, September 03, 2004
Tears Falling...down again...
just listening to Skillet...ah, I love the stuff...

so I was just thinking about my likes and dislikes and its amusing...I really enjoy chick-flick type anime

I mean I loved Love Hina and I was just introduced to DNA and its funny as crazy but its all mushy love stories...guess I'm just an odd one at heart right?

So I miss cracking jokes in the kitchen...I miss shin kicking too...real life ain't nearly as fun I guess...why is that? Meh, no idea really..though we do have our share of fun around these parts don't get me wrong...

but yeah..back to what brought me to post something today...I like so many different things its odd..I love a good action film but I also like the "chick-flick" I love japanese vampire films and amarican martial arts films...

I love hardcore music and I love techno, I love rock but I still hate country...why is that?

I find that secular music annoys me more then anything now...its so meaningless and pathetic for the most least most Christian bands (with special exception to Relient K...grr to them....grr) have a point to there music and glorify God.

I love talking but I also love to listen, I love to mess around with swords and I love to mess around with world domination (Risk...hehehe) I love friends and I love to help friends out...conversations are one of my greatest loves in any friendship...I miss the talks that Breet and myself would have, I remember all the time so late at night I would catch him up and I would just walk into his room and hang out and just talk about the day and often times unload on the poor poor fellow but he was always there to talk leader my friend

I remember Krys trying so hard to scedual "meetings" I always was kinda amused that we has to set up dinner meetings but when you work the hours we did I guess you had to to stay in communication with good friends...hey Krys, we should set up another dinner meeting still need to beat me up :P

I love random unscedualed breaks....I love my booth, it will always be my booth...just you see, I will come back and reclaim it!

I miss the talks with Leigh-Anne, making fun of her God given gift of rather short proportions, I will always remember seeing her there while the big cross was aglow...I remember going to Denver and freaking out it was amusing and Denver..ah, I miss that wonderful ACA who just couldn't seem to lick the sleeping in bug that hunted his internship

I miss the banquets, remember our first commitment banquet? This was our first official meeting with our sister many of them...sooo few of us, girls are evil...but we'll survive somehow lol...I remember those days. I remember me all dressed up seated beside ladies I had never met before and being rather nervious and shy as I tend to be in those circumstanses

I like banquets now, heck...good food :) and good company they where...

I like alot of things...

I remember just after graduation going out for flavoured ice (REALLY GOOD overpriced ice :P) and sitting and talking about horses and such with Holly while the others sat in the car for some unknown reason...

so many memories, I love going back and visiting then all...

I remember the green lawn....the beautiful lush green grass we found IN TEXAS! I remember we left them a nice thankyou card for having such a nice lawn..Cynthia you rock! Why did you have that thankyou card on you anyway?

I remember this one night...I don't even know why but James and just sat up and talked all night long about our lives...I remember sitting up on ICQ and just complaining about how much our lives stunk...I remember the "summer from hell" so many years ago now, I remember getting beat up in high, I was so dumb...I remember playing game after game of Uker..I remember the school laptop that got me into alot of troble at times :) I remember ATFs..I remember Fresh Wind...

I remember Christmas's, family..I remember last Christmas...Mechelle and Will's engagment...Nick's not so amused face...I remember Matt and Nick wrestling, Matt finally getting upset but never giving up...ever

I remember long nights up playing AoE2, soo many walls...

I remember the GV graveyard...I remember Pat crying...I remember he cryed and it shocked me...don't know why...I remeber taking Ricky there...Denver Ricky and myself...I remember later that night the Lone Wolf died and Ricky found some peace...

I remember Beth and her love for music that boggled my mind...

I rememeber hearing about Kristy starting to play Bass....I was so excited

I remember the day Brent Pat Chris Dusty and myself where sitting in Pats room arguing about some dumb movie we had just seen with the sister core...I remember later on after that Brent speaking the words to me that would end up changing my life...thanks for letting God speak Brent...

I remember Gideons's road...the Passion driven deep inside me to see a core changed..I remember hearing very late that Naomi was to be a core advisor..I remember how proud I was of her...and how heart I was to not share in that with her in Augest...

I remember when it all came to me that one night...Passion

I remember when I heard that Pat may be comming back to the HA

I remember stepping off that plane and I was home...

I remember calling James later looking for a ride anywhere lol...

Memories are an awesome thing..I never want to forget a thing...thank you all for being apart of this...

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