Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Once apon a midnights dream...
snowwhite 7/27/200 12:26 AM "no prob, I'll always be there as a friend no matter what happens unless you do something to directly hurt me witch i know you won't..."


RyverWild 8/18/200 12:52 PM "Mega...I would appreciate it if you would join the General and I in the new forum at the bottom of the fort. the password is "fight" i believe we have some things we need to discuss..."


Ryon 7/11/200 1:21 PM "k, This is the last message or commincation you'll receive from me. I am going to start my life over as completely as I can. I have lost all feeling and caring, I have lost the honor that I hold so dear and I have lost the most important things in my life my friends and loved ones. If you wish to be my friend reintroduce yourself to me and we can start over from there. I know not everyone will be able to do this I don't know if I can do this..."


Mega 3/3/2001 10:58 PM "it is the only way...I have tryed everything else...*sigh* The tears will not leave me for a few weeks...but when thay do...I will come out stronger then ever, I have to beleave this."
Tlieaxu 3/3/2001 10:59 PM "ya.. you will be ok.. I know it."


Mega the 3/9/2001 11:32 PM ya, you know the corner behind the door in the hall? Well, I was sitting on a chair there, and people started calling it the "Ashby Habitat" Long story short, there is now I sign on the door that says "Ashby Habitat ... $.50 to look at it, $1.00 to kick it."


Rosemaria 3/10/200 7:56 PM *Gives Chris a playful punch on his upper arm* Behave yourself !


~*~*MiKeY* 3/11/200 8:09 PM whats up durst


Mega the 3/13/200 9:07 PM you makin goot again?
Kenza 3/13/200 9:07 PM nope.. cant now.. no tilly here...


snowwhite 8/10/200 11:49 PM dido but for now i told Ryon not to talk to Bev and he says he woun't talk to me either


Chuck 7/11/200 7:30 PM did it feel good.... even remotely..... when you kicked me last night?
Mega, 7/11/200 7:31 PM to be honist.......yes
Chuck 7/11/200 7:31 PM i knew.....
Chuck 7/11/200 7:32 PM just wanted to confirm it.... see i told you we'd come to blows

Mega, 7/11/200 7:33 PM I know......it can't be help'd now I can't even sleep!
The One of 7/11/200 7:34 PM sucks don't it?
Mega, 7/11/200 7:34 PM yep...


KaiMegos: funnes :) so your a friend of the sassyhelcat? :P
starr133_99: yeah.... cathain here......
KaiMegos: o yeah?
KaiMegos: :P don't think I was told who this was :P
KaiMegos: hehehehehe
KaiMegos: shows I'm very gullable :P
starr133_99: she didn't tell you I was a clan mate?
KaiMegos: she told me you knew of the clan :P


Geggy 1/7/2001 6:41 PM I knew about that. I was just not expecting it. Trust me, When i'm gone, i'm going to loose contact of so many people that it'll hurt just like you do now.


Siuan 3/16/200 3:35 PM MEGA!!!!! *Big wild hugs* Please, tell me U come to stay!


LB Wannabe 3/21/200 10:44 PM no where...mom was just sittin here....and I really didn't wanna talk about reports....she does not know they are out...and I wanna keep it that way.

wow, the trip down old memory lane...I have had many online convos over the years...whined alot about many things...made goot remarks alot, swore alot cried alot...so many things so many memories. So much growth, to see this boy and who he was back then...and the man sitting in front of the monitor right now...its quite amazing to look back over it all...Kicking Chuck, Obsession with Karen, Summer from Hell, James and Bev's hook up, The 3DO boards, the Ryv/Mega war, the chats with Faith, EZBoards, Fort Plastro, That one party, Melborne's new years bash, James' 386 bursting into flames, the "love" triangle...3 guys liking the same girl (did you ever know the whole story Kristy? lol), Fast for Famine, BOYB, Highlife, Our table, the dreams, the Katgoyles, roleplaying, Killian, Mega, partys, Age of Empires, Spencerville Fare, blasting Limp Bizkit louder then the fair, moving in with James, moving in with Chuck, Gient Tiger, Jolt Cola, school dances, O'Brien's moves, the school laptops, skipping class, Uno, hating Risk, Church, preaching, Adam's place, walking downtown Prescott, my first playstation, ICQ, Space on James' wall, glow-in-the-dark star on the wall, capture the flag, sparing, breaking James' mom' lamp, late night talks, the post office, wing night, Tekken, anime...

:) thats just the tip of the memory iceburg...:)

Once apon a midnight dream...memories desire, pasts end.
Your future begins now.

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