Tuesday, September 07, 2004
I'm still mad :(
yeah, I know I haven't posted anything in a few days...I had this long post all ready do go up then the comp reset and welllI was angry at Blogger and computers for a few days so no posting for me lol...

Have you ever just been somewhere in your life where you know everything is just right? Even if circumstance may say otherwise...I'm still jobless but getting closer to one :) other then that though things are so good right now praise God...I'm just happy, though I want so much to be back in my comfort zone right now...my security blanket back in room 3115 is looking mighty good but war isn't faught in the training grounds right?

So I haven;t posted much about Leigh-Anne and myself sence the announcment of our courtship have I? Sorry you gossip freeks out there for not feeding you lol j/k we're doing real well and taking this time in seperate countries and whatnot to define the relationship, set boundries and answer questions as well as seek out any wisdom that might want to find itself in our hearts (anyone full of wisdom who feels the need to pour out swing by our way..we love it:) ) and yeah...I'm just happy :)

So o yeah, I moved :) I'm not living with my bestest of friends James in a rather full house of crazyness that I now call home...slowly getting settled, REALLY need to find a job soon though...hmmm thanks for all your prayers though :) I'm sure God's got an awesome job lined up for me...now if I could only find it...hmm hehehe

so I have always liked the idea of looking like a hacker with my crazy computer setup lol...its really just a compy with two monitors but it looks so cool hehehe, maybe I could learn to hack oneday...just for fun...neh, I'll stick to the simple legal stuff like gaming and moding :)
but yeah, I need money, Lord thank you for supplying all I need...You rock my face off :) I'll be ok as long as I trust in Daddy :) well, much love friends...peace

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