Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Thoughts of the Love filled Heart
"I can not explain it, but this is remarkably true. This doesn't mean that I walk about each day all sunshine, lollypops and rainbows, but I have a passion, an internal fire inside of me that keeps me going, keeps me dreaming, keeps me moving through life toward bigger and better things. I strive to do things, not to impress her, or to woo her, but for her and for myself in a way that is hard to explain. I want my degree, a good job, a home, a good life. I want them for me, but I want them for her as well. I want my life and hers to intersect.I want to stay this alive forever."

So, I was looking at this latest writing from Rob's Blog and I smiled...I've never seen him like this. Its just so darn cute! :P Then it got me thinking though...

Girls aren't supposed to fill that void...We're supposed to have this passion, this internal fire inside for God before all else. You don't find it in something, God shows it to you, gives it to you...the Holy Spirit filles you and there is nothing else you can do but worship your Creator. You wark hard as to worship your God. For your relationship with Jesus to come before all else...He loves you and wants to be with you.

I'm not saying that a relationship with the one you love shouldn't be important to you but where are your priorities...

so often, especially so-called Christians, people claim to love God and yet once something that seems so amazing down here comes by..something like the emotion and all the feelings that come with a guy/girl relationship take hold and often God is terrable a day when some girl...whomever she is take more of or time and more of our thought-life and more of our energy or whatever then your creator...the one who made you

The one who came down, made Himself flesh and died so that He could have relationship with you...

your girlfriend never did that for you...

What the heck?! Why can't Christians be Christians! For the love of all things good! And people rag on ME for breaking up with Lynda after she became my world...MY LORD AND SAVIOUR IS MY WORLD! And my partner on this earth is my companion. Thats the way its suppoed to be. I hurt so many people yeah...but I hurt God more by making Him second to the others in my life...the one who gave it all to see my sins covered....

what in the world?

Thank about that...comment what you wish, but really...just think about it first...

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