Friday, August 27, 2004
So, I think I should be stressed...
but for some reason..I don't know, I'm still just kinda numb...

Spent the night with Nick, along with Shane, his girlfriend and my brother Ryan...we had a good time, and I really think Nick enjoyed it...I saw my aunt laugh for the first time in days..ah, family is so good...

why is it when people are sad they cook?

so right now my aunt and uncle have more foon then some poor countries in Asia I think...its crazy...and so many people all the time, taking care of every detail...I have never been so proud to call myself an Ashby in my life...I love my family.

So, I have been ask to speak at Matthew's funeral...Uncle John laid out the vision for me today...he knows that what the minister is going to say will be very good...but the man is an older man and the younger people just won't be able to relate so he asked me to start the healing process for the younger people...*sigh* Lord lead me cause I have no words...I have nothing Lord speak though me...

so yeah...this is going to be a crazy few days...

so yeah...well, in a lighter note I just heard about Sarah-Beth and Chris...I LOVE YOU crazy, congrats you two, behave and do this right now! :P

Lord, I have so much to focus on I need You to take this from me and bring me peace o Father...I seek your guidence and thiank You o Lord for the wisdom You have brought to my heart already...even though this time You teach me Father thank You...

When life hands you lemmons...make lemmonaid (supposed to be a strongbad quote..but totaly forgot what the quote but yeah...trying to make the best of a crazy life right now...thank you all for your prayers...I love you all and know that your prayers are felt strong

I pick the flowers and smile as I wait for the Lord's responce, even when all around me is dark I will always find that flower blooming and smile, knowing that the Lord sent it for me to find....

much love, from the not so alone man in this world...

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