Monday, August 09, 2004
Quotes from Kristy's Journal
I share the same memories....I miss those days alot...

"LAN "Parties": Age of Empires II: The Conquerors. Massive fucking armies of ELEPHANTS. (James: "And mamalukes! I remember the mamaluke armies!" Bev: "I had the mamalukes! The camels!"). Making WAR CARTS just to mock the Koreans. Attempting to play Age of Mythology, but never really sticking with it like we did AoE... oh, and the rare Baldur's Gate game."
lol, and my amazing walls! :P

"Trying on rare occasion to make DnD characters that they NEVER did anything with. Well, pretty much."
lol, I made SOO many! Played like once...o, and the Star Wars RPG lol...I remember that, I always just wanted to kill people with my light sabor...and did! Wahaha!

"Movies. Army of Darkness, Spaceballs, etc... Watching anime together, too. Gunsmith Cats comes to mind. Oh, and Inu Yasha, and Happy Lesson. Downloading said anime on a dial-up connection..."
I remember sitting up with James watching Lain...that first tape was so hard to get through...don't know how we ended up watching the rest lol. And Love Hina :P

"The CHUCKY DOLL: I went to James's house in Spencerville one day to find that him and "the gang" had been kicking around an old doll (about a foot or two in length) that they found, insisting that it reminded them of "Chucky" and scared them to death, and that's why they kicked it around like a soccer ball. Eventually it's head split open.... so we sewed it back together with bailing twine. :P Then I think they kicked it some more... Heh, just a minute ago I ran downstairs to laugh with James and Bev about it... Bev looks up with this huge, proud, cheery grin on her face... "And then later we burned it!"Me "What?! I missed that!"Bev *proud*: "I put firecrackers in it's head!" "
I was there for the sacrificial burning of the demon Chucky doll...after we set the record of how many people we could stuff into Karens car to get to Chuck's place to despose of the evil much fun

Playing board games, like Risk, Axis and Allies, and of course, Tenjou... Beverly holding us up on the phone... me snapping pictures of the board... me whoring my "wife" to James for 10,000 koku, or however much it was. XD Oh, and we can't forget the Lord of the Rings risk... and how I'd always get a kick ass start, only to fall behind and get obliterated by later in the game. Man, I sucked... :P
I was SOOO bad at Risk back then lol and A&A, I'm still bad at that lol. Tenjou is really fun guys!

Camping in Quebec. Oh, man, camping in Quebec. Boat wars... with BORROWED boats (what the heck were those guys thinking?!), washing my hair in the river, horrible spiders in the outhouse, sleeping in the car (don't remember WHY I did that, but likely hoping it was warmer than in the tent) , chaotically pitching tents after dark, Karen's car... Karen's CAR... struggling up hills... dying battery... driving around with - somehow - more luggage at the end than we began with, bottoming out at times... riding with a huge garbage bag - full of GARBAGE, of course - on my lap while trying to find an appropriate place to dump it. Attempting fireworks and failing miserably. Being very very cold with not enough blankets at night. (It was only the end of April, at most....) Actually finding a use for James's machete.
Wow, I remember back in the that trip and the trip to Chuck's dad's island, I was so obsessive over this one girl its rather amusing to think back to that.

Wednesday night wings at the hotel and the lively conversation that usually accompanied it, with occasional torture from karaoke in the next room.
WING NIGHT!! lol, I remember the lines of salt for the sniffing (never actually did fyi) and sweating under the heat of the 911 wings, making fun of Bev and her BBQ wings lol....she can't take the heat :P

Driving all the way to Ottawa just so we could see a new movie. Oh, and shopping. EB rocks.
Driving all the way to Ottawa because Brockville shut its movie place down. Grr...ah well, Ottawa rocks!

Well, peace out! Much love.
(Last day of

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