Wednesday, July 14, 2004
"Every man gives his life for what he believes, and every woman gives her live for what she believes. Sometimes people believe in little or nothing and yet they give there lives to that little or nothing. One life is all we have, we live it and its gone. But to live without belief is more terrable then dieing. Even more terrable then dieing young." -Joan of Arc

"That man is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." -Jim Elliot

To live without belief, what a terrable waist of a life....even if this life where all we had, if this was it....what does one have to lose to have faith that there is something more? Something bigger then ourselves? To have faith then die into nothingness is inconsequensial, but to live without faith then die...then look into the eyes of your creator who only wished to love you in your life but all you did was turn away....I don't even want to think about that moment...

We can be pridful if we want, we have the free will but what if? What if? My faith will never kill me but the lack of faith may kill you...

To give what I cannot keep...

none of us can live forever in this life...none of us, you can't keep the treasures you hold onto so tightly after you are gone

To gain what I cannot lose...

to give your life to the one who created you for such a time as gain a life everlasting in the awesome presents of the

I am a Christian....neh, not really. I don't like the name much. I am a follower of Christ. We are not the weak whiners that you have heard of...not the puny little prayers that cry at the sight of think we are weak because of our faith but I'm telling you that you are very very wrong. We gave our lives to the almighty and stepped into the eturnal battle for which we are no longer a prize to be won, the dansel in distress but now we are fighters. Not made weak by our bowing to a God, indeed humbling but in fact made strong within His power. YOUR SO PRIDEFUL! you think you have it all figured out but he sees you when your all alone, when you lay on your bed crying yourself to sleep because nobody cares. He does, and yet you turn your back on what may be the only being that would give a care about you in the world...and go on your own search to find your own way....He's stretching out His hand and you spit on it and turn again...looking to relationships and "love" to fill that void in your life but where did that leave you? Your back where you started and you don't know where to turn. You refuse to turn to faith because that would mean laying down that pride that you have been so busy building up all your life, and your discusted at those so called "Christians" that claim to be followers of God....Don't follow the Christians, as much as they are sopposed to be the light...we're not doing our job....instead look to Him, He who is perfect...who won't let you down...

Count the cost though...

Its your life, and its not easy...

once you have made the choice it doesn't get easer....many people will attest that indeed it get much harder...

Because now instead of being the hostage, the prize in the eturnal battle you are not a solder...massive weapons will be fired apon you and if you think this is a joke let me tell you something..

the battle is real...

but, if you are on God's side, if you follow His commands and stand your ground you can't be touched

The Lord is your protection...the one who created everything will protect you dearest...for you are the love of His life. He love you more then you could ever know

you may not beleve that, you may have never heard his sweet whisper of love in your ear...

only because you have turned a deaph ear to His song..

See Him.

You want to know what love is....

Dare to dream...the perfect lover, the love of God.
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