Saturday, July 17, 2004
Missionary Ashby pt.2 *Updated*
So in the on going story of my wanting to get out and "go" as Jesus said pretty looks like I'm going to go to...


I'm time to talk now, I'll have to fill you in on the details later...but in short GLORY TO GOD! I HAVE THE MONEY!! 
So, to continue on with the story now that I have some time...

Quick note first...
The new blogger updates are the best things in the entire world!! You can do soooo much now! Props to Blogger for making me a happy user.

On to the story about my trip...
So, I have been worried for a long time..well, not really worried but uncertain where the money was going to come from for my mission trip to New Orleans and well, just praying real hard about what I'm supposed to do and where God placed the money...fustrated when God just said wait. Had many things I could have done but didn't feel at all like it was what I was supposed to do. (When God want to teach you something He doesn't play around) This is about faith my friends. Well, to cut a long story short, Rechelle got in contact with someone going on Mexico Z trip who had a major abundance of cash and wished to pay off someones trip for them. She put my name in and lo and behold God is glorifyed once again and I learn to have faith and to let God be God.
The one thing that I had to do was go to Mexico instead of the big, I get to go to another country before heading back home :) awesome indeed.
So thats my tale. I love God so much, and the people who answer His call are amazing.

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