Monday, July 19, 2004
Just created a frontpage for all my journals (I seem to have a few now :P) I'm thinking of getting a domain name if I can get one for dirt cheap, maybe I'll talk to Erik...hmm
in other, not much actually lol there is a concert going on right now, didn't feel like going really...more tired then anything
so yeah, O! You have to check this out!
Mario: A Series

its awesome guys! Really! So strong my friends...God loves you!
ou, hold on a sec :)
so at church on sunday I was taught a little about prayer and it really made me think alot...why do some of our prayers not get answered?
The minister asked the question "Is it ok to pray for a kiss?" then asked something else...
"or is it better to lift up your lonlyness to Him and let Him take it..."
he talked alot about how we so often pray to make our will God's will somehow, instead of praying for His will to become reality in our lives and humbling ourselves into His service..ah, it was so good.
He talked also about a man who's wife was dieing, he prayed a prayer to God saying something like this...
"Lord my God, My will would want my wife to live and continue on but Lord have your will be done and nomatter what let me be satisfied in you alone..." (yeah, I think I buchered the actual quote)
She was taken up by the Lord, and he continued to be satisfied in the answered prayer. awesome.
Anywho, I just wanted to share that cause it was awesome :)
I also have few concerns at all these days and life is good! Yey! My only concern is for a month from now because I have NO idea how I'm getting anything home (like my amp, my bass...big things like that) Its going to be something for sure...hmmm
well, I won't worry and just hope everything works out lol. Love you all, peace to ya.

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