Thursday, June 10, 2004
Ok so yeah, I just wanted to say before I got into tonights topic that my sisters rock! So yeah...

tonights topic is a little dunno....well, let the ranting begin...

So alot has been on my mind as of late, and with the swirl of emotion of just remembering the good ol days when Selfless as a whole was all here and the bro/sis core was, I wrote a post a few days ago about the ones from Selfless that I miss...well, lol...all of them..

And with Chels comming on campus and the mess of rememberance of last semester that that brought it was an intersting surprise, and one that won't soon be was great to actually talk with her...but now, once again I'm surprised and Ester is back on campus until tuesday...

I don't know what to say, I mean ug..I never took the time to really know her well but its odd, I remember the Colorado Ski trip and a chance to actually talk with was cool but dood, I dunno...why do people have to leave...or get I'm kinda messed up in my thinking right now...REALLY tired but here me out...

I just want our family to be whole again, not just Lamad Ohana...I have had many friends leave and ug...I dunno...Pat, DANG MAN!! I heard that song by Reliant K and was like "Pat always played that" ug...

yeah, I know I'm being very random, I just came from a Bro/Sis event thing and, our core is so small right now, just us 7 and guys better come visit soon...Annie did, so can you!! AHH!!! K, um...yeah..I need to go to bed, l8rz
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