Wednesday, June 02, 2004
So I haven't posted in a while, no real reason...Just haven't felt like it, though at the same time I have so many thoughts...So many emotions that maybe I shouldn't keep it all too myself, or then again...

"I did not come to bring peace..."

I came to the Lord today looking for some peace, for some way to cope...To maybe deal with my own emotions and thoughts and I was told...Straight from the Word of God...

"I did not come to bring peace..."

time to change my theology once again, or maybe I should stop relying on theology and start relying on God...Interesting thought...

"...I came to bring a sword..."

this is war...

"...I will pit man against his father, daughter against her mother..."

Why, what does it all mean...Lord help me...

"He who loves father or mother more then Me is not worthy of Me..."

o wow...That's it...

"...And he who loves son or daughter more then Me is not worthy of Me"

that's were we have gone all wrong, family before God. Family before God...

There is a story about a person who came to follow Christ and Jesus was all for it...But then the man said he had to first bury his father and Jesus rebuked him for worrying about his father before the kingdom of God, kinda goes into the same boat of the story about the Rich man isn't it? The man comes to Christ and askes what it would take to follow Him and Jesus says "Follow the commandments" easy enough for the man...He has been doing that all his life but Jesus wanted more....True devotion not just following the rules but true devotion...A willingness to but everything aside and follow him so Jesus says "sell all your posetions and give the all your money to the poor then you can come and follow me" and the guy walks away sad because he didn't want to give up everything...Then not quite finished Jesus turns to his followers and explains that its easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle then it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven...

it all kind of fits together doesn't it?

"I will pit man against father..."

To love those whom God used to bring you into life more then the God that actually created you? Interesting notion...To love the creation that came from your body more then loving the creator whom gave you that son or daughter...

we live in a very backwards world do we not? Where we will care more about ourselves or about our family or about the ones we love then we will about the one who created it all?

well, there is my rant for the day... I have much CA homework to do...Peace
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