Thursday, June 24, 2004
God is good...
Have you ever wondered? I have always found it amazing how God answers prayer. Usually not in the amazing glorious *poof* there it is kind of way...but is the simplicity of it all. I mean, I prayed for finances when I thought it wasn't coming and then I find out it is...I mean, you can say what you want but God answered the prayers of a few people there, not just myself.

So I got an email today from someone who works in GE asking about what I planned on doing for my mission trip requirement...The Lord is good, I'm not forgotten...even with all the happenstance and circumstance of why I have yet to apply (mostly my own dumb fault, praise the Lord for his mercies) He still gives me another chance...well, at least I think thats what this is leading too lol...keep praying for me PLEASE!! Cause your prayers are felt.

So I was asked to remove a portion of my last larger post the other day....I was kindof angered at first...I mean whatever but the more I think about it...the more I'm just confused about the whole situation, I'm not going to go into detail but yeah...maybe I know too much and too little all at the same time.

I was so saddened at the thought of graduation this mourning, the talk of our last week and what we will be doing filled me with some joy but the thought of having to say goodbuy to so many friends all at once is a little more then I can handle to think about right many people I'll probably never see again...though you can bet your loonie that I'll be back for Alumni weekend baby! And yall better be there too!

Its hard to think of moving on...especially where I sit now still on the waiting list. I won't give up on the prospect of being a CA...thought doesn't stick into my mind too long anymore about just giving up that quest but man...its hard. I'm just glad I have a few things sorted out in case I do go home, maybe I should start looking for a job a scary thought, moving to Ottawa...being on my, living off of my own income for real wow...nothing like being 20. I remember like it was yesterday, I was 17 and in highschool...didn't much care about my future and now I'm living it and I ever wish I had cared a little about my future then. Do I ever wish sometimes that I could go back and slap myself in the face about a hundred times and screem SMARTEN UP!!! LoL ah well, that path led me here and while my time in this year draws short, and while its still unclear as to if my time here is drawing short or not one thing is for sure...the Lord has changed my life through this place more then I think I could have been changed anywhere else...and prior to popular belief, it has been for the better. Most of you know my plans to be a pastor type person...I can't wait to get out there and start preaching the truth in a real way...not like so many that play it up somehow preach the reality of it...not the hype not the emotional junk but...the be real with the people I speak too...

Jesus while he was here on earth was very human. Sometimes we miss the humanity of Jesus' preaching and teaching. Remember that story when He sat by the well and talked to the woman there? Think about this..He stopped to rest. What amazes me is the fact that He had to stop and rest a while while the others went and got food.

Jesus, God, the Word made flesh, yet so human. He felt every pain we do, felt every temtation we struggle with. God, the creator of everything laid himself down to be whipped till the white of his rips showed...beaten till He couldn't be recodnised anymore, carried a massive cross to the top of the hill where they laid him down...nailed his hands and his feet to the hardwood and hung Him up where He had to push up on the nails through his feet just to breath.

He walked into the city knowing this would happen...
He told everyone that followed Him this would happen...
and just as He told them, He rose again three days later...

The reality of Christ Jesus...

"My love for only Him be known, that I live for One in Three...the Trinity"

Praise the Lord, have a great day.
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