Saturday, June 19, 2004
Denver's words...
This is what happends when youtalk with me not too get a glimps of my heart and Denver knows me...I love that man...this is what he wrote in case you missed it.

P.S. Chuck...I love you, your words ment so much in this time you have no idea...thank you.

queesamor: Cheska, listen to me:

If right now I went outside and picked up a really big rock and then threw it in the middle of a bunch of dogs eating dinner it would hit one or two and the one that it hit would yelp very loudly because big rocks being dropped on you hurts bad.
Guilt travels in the same way. If I throw a big ball of truth and confrontation out into a bunch of people's minds the one (or more) that get hit are not going to like the pain (guilt) and are going to yell pretty loudly. Your actions seem to be indicitave of this.

My brother sleeps about seven feet from me and being that close for a year brings a closeness with it. I can tell you in absolute truth that Chris was venting and upset at the fakeness and feebleness of this world. Sin is not a pretty thing and when we fully understand how bad it really is it makes us angry that it is in our midst. Malice and hatred plague those following Christ (2 Timothy 3:12) and it can be upsetting.

Here's another approach:

When Chris posts about something he makes it evident who it is for. If he is rebuking someone he makes sure to add specific circumstances so they know who they are. If he is praising someone he points it at aspecific person. But when he is aiming at the general populus, as is with this post, he does none of this. If you closely examine this last post you will notice that he never brings up specific circumstances or occurrances, he never points a specific finger, and everything is pretty vague. It would seem that this would not fit his mold of posting style.

One last thing:

Sister, I do not know you but my heart crys out for you. Please listen to the words coming from my computer to your's: Chris's goal in keeping in contact with you is to soften the relationsip and chop down the mountain of pain and grudge that stands between the two of you. He is not being fake; he lets his heart be known. When you read words that make anger boil up in you like a flood SHOVE IT BACK DOWN! I am not yelling at you, I am asking you to yell within yourself whenever such antagonizing and elusive emotions try to control your heart and your actions. Be gentle and meek, soft in speach. Would I spend this much time if I didn't care? Would Chris?

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