Friday, June 04, 2004
Body: um, yeah...What's the question? I'm...Tall? Skinny? What are you looking for?
Height:: 6'3"
Natural hair color:: Dirty Blonde
Eye color:: blue
Number of siblings:: two, both younger
Glasses/contacts?:: your mother...O, I mean Glasses
Piercings:: 302, you'll never guess where :P KIDDING!!!
Tattoos:: maybe someday
Braces?:: nope

Color:: white a color? grr, no...ok blue
Band:: right now? Skillet probably
Song:: Collide
Stuffed animal:: I have this awesome cool monkey that hangs in my cubby
Video game:: Classic Doom or Bejewled :P
Movie:: The Passion
Book:: Matthew
Food:: CJ's!! lol
Game on a cell phone:: there is this crazy RPG game on Krystal's phone that I love...dang Humble Turtle will get you every time though
CD cover:: POD: Southtown
Flower:: White Rose
Scent:: I'm loving this Axe stuff I have
Animal:: Horses
Cereal:: Trix!
Cartoon:: Garfield!

Play an instrument?:: Bass!!
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?:: I have before...but unless I wanted to skip work to watch Fox news for 60 wouldn't happen here
Like to sing?:: all the time
Have a job?:: more like a ministry placement but yeah
Have a cell phone?:: heck no, me no rich boy
Like to play sports?:: sometimes
Have a crush on someone?:: crush the crush, they be dumb
Have any special talents/skills?:: I dunno, The Lord has given me quite a bit...Probably my sense of humor would be my best skill :)
exercise daily?:: well, I usually try to get my 4 times a week in...which I don't think is going to happen this week..dang
Like school?:: Well, though this isn't really school I'm licking where I am now, although its crazy hard

Sing the alphabet backwards?:: heck no
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?:: nope
Speak any other languages?:: well, I trying to learn French again...
Go a day without food?:: how bout 3?
Stay up for more than 24 hours?:: used to do it all the time
Read music, not just tabs?:: getting better
Roll your tongue?:: um...maybe?
Eat a whole pizza?:: again, I used to all the time...kinda sick now that I think about it

Snuck out of the house?:: yup, to head to a James' house way early after sneaking in the night before...they never knew I came home
Cried to get out of trouble?:: lol, I was way better then that
Gotten lost in your city?:: nonono, WAAAYYY too small
Seen a shooting star?:: yup
Been to any other countries besides the united states?:: um...Canada..where I come from!
Had a serious surgery?:: Nope.
Stolen something important to someone else?:: neh...don't like ta steal
Solved a rubiks cube?:: nope
Gone out in public in your pajamas?:: I used to even on campus till we where told we couldn't...I was sad
Cried over a girl?:: yup
Cried over a boy?::
Kissed a random stranger?:: wow, um..nope
Hugged a random stranger?:: All the time!
Been in a fist fight?:: Once
Been arrested?:: Nope
Done drugs?:: heck no!
Had alcohol?:: been there, done that
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?:: nope
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:: O YEAH!!! Everytime I went to James' apartment
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?:: they made me during the Ice Storm of 98' even though I could have taken the day off...grrr
Swore at your parents?:: yeah...*blink*
Been to warped tour?:: no
Kicked a guy where it hurts?:: not on purpose
Been in love?:: depends on what you mean by love I guess...infactuated yes, in Love with God yes...found true love? haven't met my wife yet
Been close to love?:: haven't met her yet
Been to a casino?:: nope, won't eather
Ran over an animal and killed it?:: nope, though comming from Canada thats something most people have done at least twice
Broken a bone?:: nope YEY!
Gotten stitches?:: nope
Had a waterballoon fight in winter?:: lol...yeah
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?:: yeah :) ah the good ol days
Made homemade muffins?:: yup :)
Bitten someone?:: Lol, I bit Train just yesterday
Been to disneyland/disneyworld?:: nope
More than 5 times?:: NO!
Been to niagra falls?:: neh, though I should have by now
Burped in someones face?:: EEEWWWWW!!!
Gotten the chicken pox?:: when I was like 2!

Brushed your teeth:: Morning.
Went to the bathroom:: While ago.
Saw a movie in theaters:: um...last weekend...The Day after Tomorrow
Read a book:: Reading one for CA training "The Pursute of God"
Had a snow day:: :( I miss snow...
Had a party:: well, unless you count the Tornato warning a few days ago..that was quite the "party" :P
Had a slumber party:: Slepped in the other room a few weks ago...*blink*
Made fun of someone:: lol, all in good fun :)
Tripped in front of someone:: lol
Went to the grocery store:: um...went to Brookshires a few weeks ago
Got sick:: Well, still getting over this dang cold thing I have...blah
Cursed:: a while ago now...10 months maybe?

Fruit/vegetables:: Veg
Black/white:: White
Lights on/lights off:: off
TV/movie:: movie
Car/truck:: Car
Body spray/lotion:: Lotion, I think.
Cash/check:: Cash
Pillows/blankets:: blanket
Paint/charcoal:: Pencil
Chinese food/mexican food:: YUCKY MEXICAN
Summer/winter:: Winter!!!
Snow/rain:: Snow!!!
Fog/misty:: um, both
Rock/rap:: Rapcore!
Meat/vegetarian:: MEAT!!!
Boy/girl:: um, huh?
Chocolate/vanilla:: Vanilla
Sprinkles/icing:: icing
Cake/pie:: cake
French toast/french fries:: French Toast.
Strawberries/blueberries:: neather
Ocean/swimming pool:: never been in the Ocean
Hugs/kisses:: Hugs rock, I can give dem to everyone :P
Cookies/muffins:: muffins
Wallet/pocket:: Wallet
Pink/purple:: Purple
Cat/dog:: Dogs more.
Long sleeve/short sleeve:: Depends on the weather, duh.
Pants/shorts:: Pants
Winter break/spring break:: Winter
Spring/autumn:: autumn
Clouds/clear sky:: Clouds
Moon/mars:: Moon

How many friends do you have?:: um, a bunch :P
What are their names?:: wow...many peeps, you know who you are...and if there is a question ask me and I'll tell you :P
Do you have a best friend?:: *Grabs James by the neck then kicks Bev in the shins* ah, by bestest friends :)
Have you ever liked one of your friends?:: lol, I like all my friends! mean like that...sure I have at one point or another in my life
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?:: wow...hmm, I think its pretty balenced right now...maybe a few more ladies because of the fect theres way more girls on campus :P
Have you ever lost a friend?:: yeah, sad times
Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend?:: Went to Six Flags Over Texas last monday, great fun...miss ya Ricky
Whats an inside joke between you and a friend?:: The amazing laughter at the romantic parts of movies while interns are in the theater...LOL so funny...
Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend?:: lol, of corse!
Whats the nicest thing youve ever done for a friend?:: well...its the things they never knew about, and I'd like to keep it like that
Whats the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you?:: Saved my life...James your the man :)
Do you miss any of your old friends?:: all the time
What friend have you known the longest?:: thats still a friend now? probably Chris (Dan is stricken from the list due to being lost in China)
Do you regret anything youve done to a friend?:: there are many things I wish I could take back...many things I have said I wish now I never did but to live in regret is foolish...for there is no going back in time
If so, what is it?:: You know
Has a friend of yours ever died?:: praise the Lord no
Whats the dumbest thing youve done with a friend?:: When we stole the pylon
What do you think your friends think of you?:: a little over excited

Have you ever been in love?:: lol, an amusing question at best...and one I have already answered
Do you believe there is someone for everyone?:: The Bible does tal about those that are called to live in solitude with Him...but there is someone for the good most of us
What is your idea of the best date?:: The ones that arn't dates, but time out with a good friend
Do you think love is a load of crud?:: No, my God IS love
Whats the best experience youve ever had with the opposite sex?:: the friendships I have built here...getting to know my sisters has been an amazing experiance

What is your favorite genre of music?:: hmm...Christian Rapcore
What time is it now?:: 2:29pm
What day is it?:: sat
Whens the last time you called someone?:: hmm, a while ago...hate phones...kill the phones...
How much money do you have right now?:: $0...ah the life of an intern
Are you hungry?:: hmm, not really
Do you like parades?:: sometimes...more if they are like Shrek 2 LOL
Do you like the moon?:: um, sure...the stars are better though :P
What are you going to do when youre done with this?:: well, hopfully get of the comp and find peoples
If you could have any magical power what would it be?:: Immortality...wait, already got it..few, that was close
Have you ever had a picnic?:: Yup

funny?:: I like to think so, others may not though lol
pretty?:: Pretty, I'm so Pretty and Pretty and..this is a pretty dumb question
sarcastic?:: I can be...though the lowest form of humor, sometimes the most effective
lazy?:: at times...hate it
hyper?:: lol
friendly?:: sometimes overly so...gets me in troble
evil?:: wha?? NO!
smart?:: lol...o my
strong?:: I have my times where I like to think I am....but usualy doesn't last long
talented?:: in some areas
dorky?:: lol...

suicide:: um, duh? Against!
love:: Love, all for Love! Thats what its all about
drunk drivers:: grr...make me mad...
airplanes:: why would I be against that?
war:: unfortinatly even with the best of intentions, as we have seen war is sick and twisted...and brings out the worst in people...I'm for the war but its not helping the already fagle view of the US in other countries
canada:: lol, some people are amusing in there answes...anyway I'm ALL FOR CANADA!!! I LOVE MY HOME!!!
united states:: hey, can't be all against it, some of my best friends are USians
rock music:: for
gay marriage:: against.
school:: all for edumication
surveys:: sometimes for...depends on the survey
parents:: all for :)
cars:: for
killing:: huh? Um, against
britney spears:: against "SICK!!!"
coffee:: ALL FOR!! Timmies!
pants:: um, I like pants...*blink*

Sky dive?:: um, if you pushed me real hard...*blink*
Play strip poker?:: um, thats a negative
Run away?:: did, time of my life...end of story
Curse at a teacher?:: again, been there, done that...not again
Not take a shower for a week?:: again...yes again been there done that...might not do it again if I had the chance
Ask someone out?:: not for another few months anyway :P
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?:: *thinks hard*
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?:: 10 months and counting...yes the US is very foreign :P
Go scuba diving?:: sure
Write a book?:: in the middle of a few...might never get done any of them lol
Become a rockstar?:: lol
Have casual sex?:: only with my wife :)

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