Tuesday, April 27, 2004
So I hate my family...
ug, I now have seen first hand how my words on here get twisted...my mom took one look at my board and the first words out of her mouth are "so you hate your family" ARRRG!!! NO!! I hate TV because it fills all our time, did I say anything about hating my family? No, interesting how quick emotion will twist the words written into something totaly off...

so anyway, I'm not going to get into it about that, cause that has been a huge thing talked about with many posts.

For those of you who don't know or haven't noticed, this Journal isn't about what I did that day or whatever, this is just me ranting abuot the things thoughts and emotions of the moment. Nothing more nothing less, if you walked up to me on the street don't expect the person you think you see on this little journal, I'm in fact a very nice positive person :)

I don't really know where I'm going with this..

so, I noticed how turned of Chris is to even the mention of Christianity, Mel had questions, VERY good questions too, and as we where talking Chris got very quiet and really didn't want to hear what was being said...he's so...angry with God...I wish we could just talk, I kinda wish he wouldn't hold it in...even if he where to just explode last night about how God ruined his life or whatever, that would have been a start...something...we could have talked...I dunno...he's in so much pain...

and again I do have to watch my mindset, cause no matter how much I try I can't fix everyones problem, its the Lord, I'm just the vessle...as for Mel, I dunno, I'm praying for planted seeds and thats all I can do...she's starting to ask the right questions, its awsome.

This is what I want to do, to just tell people who this God of ours really is, who Christ really was...I have this relationship with him, I know him why don't I get out and talk about him...its people like Kristy that I love the most, peeps that will love to talk about Jesus, someone who's not all anti-Christian, which it seems most of the world is becomming...so hard to just speek the name Jesus without 10 others lashing out or shying away...then again how much has this really changed from the days Jesus walked the earth? Not much, the same reactions in modernized terms.

When I was talking with Mel it started a thought in my brain...
all throughout our lives we are taught that a thery proven many times to be flawed is in fact truth...its so engraven into our minds that this thing called evolution is truth that people forget the fact that its mearly theroy, and if you actually do your own research...you see how flawed it really is...

tell a child its a dog enough times and it will start to beleve it, even if it really is just a child...

we are told to many things while growing up that are supposed to be true...I grew up on the science aspect, raised to beleve in one thing, it was proven wrong and I was left without anything left to beleve in...do you think I would pick up some random set of belefes without something real to back it up with after a blow to my whole way of living like that?

Find the book "Evidance that demands a verdict" by Josh Mcdowle (sp?) o my goodness...or the book "How now shall we live" by Chuck Colsen (sp?) read these books for your self then make your own decisions people, don't let school or a liftime of being told your something make up your mind for you! There is more to life then meets the eye and you have only been taught the one side....even if you think you know what "religion" is why don't we forget religion for a sec and get back to basics...like where did we come from and why are we here. Ask the questions and don't let your answer be dictated by popular vote...look, find, hunt the truth down and capture it...even if it may be something totaly unexpected find it and live it.

The Truth is Out There...
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