Friday, April 16, 2004
The end of the road...Gideon's that is...
well, though all the turmoil of emotions I forgot too post how the road went. I was distroyed phisicly, emotionaly...and I'm glad its over...and yet the growth and the lessons I will never forget. Enough said really...cause I can't talk about the spacifics of the road anyway (I wish I

blah, I dunno what too write...Chuck is the most amazing friend ever...he actually wrote me an awsome email of encouragment and I love hat man so much....the one I have seen the least of is the one who has stood behind me the most, not in person but in prayer...I'm pretty sure he's the only one actually praying for me...which is the only thing in friendship thats eturnal really....prayer.

This thing called frindship is something still a mystery too me...for so many of my friendships are surface level and those are the ones that are now being passed though fire and burning up...but like Chuck and I's friendship...with that solid foundation of trust and faith there is something that will survive though the fire. O I love it.
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