Thursday, March 04, 2004
In the vastness of the thought filled mind...
In this I think of leadership, I think of where I am, I think of where I'll be in a years time, I think of where I was in the beginning of this year and I just wonder to I truly worthy? lol, no. Praise the Lord I'm truly not worthy and the Lord is good and He helps me, its all Him and none of me. His love fills me so that I may love them.

I sit hear, listening to the softness of sweet songs written by a man by the name of Nobuo Uematsu, a composer who probably will never get the recodnition he so rightly deserves because he composed the music for a video game instead of a high budget movie. Sometimes I wonder how people do the things they do in a world that's so dermined to get recodnition for the things they do in this life. Everyone in this day and age has their own tower of Babel.

"Come," they said, "let's make great piles of burnt brick and collect natural asphalt to use as mortar. Let's build a great city with a tower that reaches to the skies--a monument to our greatness! This will bring us together and keep us from scattering all over the world."

Indeed we are reaching for the sky, but for who's glory are we reaching? Ah, indeed the question lies...if in all we do on earth is for ourselves, will we have any of it after our time on earth? You would think that after the Tower of Babel people might have gotten the clue...

In that way, the LORD scattered them all over the earth; and that ended the building of the city. That is why the city was called Babel, because it was there that the LORD confused the people by giving them many languages, thus scattering them across the earth.

No, God wasn't scared...though reading the scriptures its easy to get that impression. The whole idea was that man was doing so much for themselves...they forget about God, and they got into the notion that "This will bring us together and keep us from scattering all over the world" God gave them a wake up call, so that they would remember Him. Man was getting good as a whole, united but without God. Man can do many things on our own, but without God, just like the tower of Babel its useless.

So back to the point of my little blurb here, are we striving for high positions in life to glorify ourselves? Too show everyone else who we are and how great we are...are we building our own personal tower of Babel with our lives? Just a thought...

I think alot about how we as a human race live out our lives, how we live out everyday striving for something that's sometimes so distant...then when we reach that goal we strive for something else, never satisfied. While in school we strive to get into collage, while in collage you strive to get into the work force, while there you strive to hit retirement...while there you strive to just, maybe not quite like that but we're always looking so far into the future we sometimes forget that we are living in the now. We have it one day at a time and can I say something that might catch some people off guard? We are not guaranteed tomorrow. Ravolation I know but think about it, don't let that thought slip past you...we are not guaranteed tomorrow, who is too say we will wake up tommorow? I sometimes go to the cemitary to see Keath Green's grave just as a reminder of this fact. He died in an airplain accedent, one of hundreds he had done before...his death was so sudden. When we die, will we have a list full or regrets? Or, like Keath Green...will we be able to look back on our lives and see the fruit that our life produced...interesting thought...looking back on the life you lived down here...are we living everyday like it could be our last? Not in fear but letting that modivate you to exceed expectations for the glory of God, so when my day does come, no matter when it might be I will know that my Father will smile and say "Well done good and faithfull servant"

I feel a deep sorrow for those who don't beleve in the afterlife, in heaven spacificly, cause then what is the point? I wanna live for the glory of my God and got there and see Him and have Him tell me I've been a good and faithfull servent.

wow, I have been down quite a few bunny trails here I'm not really sure I know where I'm going with this anymore lol...same ol story, ah the makings of a good rant.

Well, I'm gonna quit while I'm ahead....peace out.
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