Tuesday, March 09, 2004
I want to tell you a story...it happend in a dream so it may sound a bit odd, but this is because my dreams are odd. So as you read this, have the image in your head...

Your in a room, ...more like darkness, and there is a man who speeks to you then you wake up. You wake up with a mission from this profit and you must find two things...you know where to find the first of them but you also know this isn't going to be easy...you are scared to get caught. In order to obtain your first goal, you must get deep into the upstairs of an all girls dorm. The next thing you know your in the dorm, sneeking around...its a good thing nobody has seen you, but your being very careful and making sure not to wander anywhere that could get you caught...or worse, make you stumble...you arive at the door, the one you remember from your dream with the man and you open the door and there it is...the thing you where looking for..the first objective. There is also a lady there and she leads you too where you will find the second of your two goals...now you are standing in front of the same dorm, now just about to head into the downstairs of the same dorm, but this time your whole outlook is changed...the goal is so important that you can't sneek around and play it safe..you walk up to the door, walk in and yell "MAN IN THe HALL!!" its a long hallway, the ladies scramble to pile into there rooms as your focus is on the door at the end of the long hallway. You notice suddenly that others have begun to follow you in, and as you walk down the hall you start to sence as though you are...leading these people into a new place...now your standing in front of the door and you walk into the room and you are alone...you notice you have found the object, the second goal. Then you blink and the room changes...now it has only one bed and you feel as though its the room of the leader...you know its the leaders room...you go to open the door and as you do someone is walking in at the same time, you recodnise the person as the leader of whos room you are walking out of and you await there questioning of why you where in there but he looks to you and says "sorry sir." as if you where his leader...you look beyond the person and take a look around the dorm, that has compleatly changed and is now a gathering place of both men and women...change brought on cause you walked in boldly....

Then you really wake up.

There is a great many things to gather from this, and seeing this was all from an hour nap I took after class today...and how impacting it was to my life and the things I learned from this one instance...I know God speaks through dreams, and He did once again today...its just so amazing. If you want to know my take on this dream just ask me, I don't really have the time to post my in debth study of this dream for you lol...but maybe if you ask I will answer.

Well, I love you all, peace.
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