Tuesday, March 30, 2004
The Cult Has Me...AHHH!!! lol
Here's a name I haven't thought of in a while, kinda came back when I took a peek at Lexi's board just too see how she was doing. Cheska comes too mind and I'm wondering how she is doing, and hope that it is well. I really hate it when friendships go bad, misunderstandings, bad circumstances...can't we all just get along? No, thats ok...again Jesus told us we would be hated by those of the world, I just wonder sometimes how all those people who used to be in my life are doing...like Laura, Lex, Ches, Greg, wow, the list goes on...and some days I wish I could just mend all the hurt and fix all the broken friendships but thats not possable, and I'm not supposed too...sure Cheska hates me or whatever, but do I really need to be in a friendship with someone like that? Someone who will hold a grudge till the end of time it seems like? Neh, not a very healthy friendship on my end at all it looks like too me. Everyone and their dog told me how much of a bad idea it was to come here. And yet I know so much more about my faith, I know why we live (or are supposed to live) the way we do and why its so easy to live as the world does when we're not supposed too, I have learned why I fell into sexual impurity and what I can do now to stay away from even the apperance of it. I have learned to be disiplened in all I do, I exercise almost regularly now, I'm in amazing shape...I'm full of the love of God and a joy that can only come with him and you know what??? All my life as a Christian I never knew what that was...now that I know and now that I know what too run twords and what too run away from, ever so slowly I begin too see the bigger picture, the true seperation of all things worldly and all things spiritual...I GET IT NOW!!! Yeah it took a little fleshly heart break in the beginning, it took making some mistakes but you know what? This isn't about Teen Mania, nor is it about the Honor Academy, its about the truth, its abuot the one true God and its abuot that relationship that all of us that clame to be Christians should be sharing in! I remember way back before I came here...wow, it seems so long ago now, when I remember those days all I see is comprimise, I would do something I KNEW wasn't right and take great joy from it, I would do everyhting that would make ME happy and not worry abuot anything untill I was around the Church goers, I put on my Christian mask then....heck even when I was home for Christmas I did the same thing, I put my Christian mask on when it was needed...it was just needed more...not I'm telling you that this thing called Christianity is no longer a mask in this life but it is really the true me...

if you don't have a relationship with God your not a Christian...

a bold statment but truth, and heck yeah it'll offend most everyone who clames to be Christian but thats ok, the Bible never said I couldn't offend people, in fact Jesus made very bold statments that offended alot of people...

the fact is I remember long ago, Cheska had told me straight up that she was Christian, and that I had no right to talk to her about something she knew way more about then I did...and yeah, she was right...I didn't have the right too speak then, and I want too tell you that I'm not saying any of this to slander anyone but, Cheska said that she didn't beleve that the Bible was in fact the word of God...the way she lives her life is so totaly out of wack to what the word says...to what Jesus taught its crazy...and yet she takes the Lord's name in vain by calling herself a Christian...the fact is most people these days take the Lord's name in vain when they call themselves Christians...and the ones who get hurt the most because of these people who clame to be Christian yet don't even have a real relationship with God, that don't even live by His word...are the ones who don't beleve. Because they are pushed away everyday by these people. COMMON PEOPLE WAKE UP!!! We are being watched everyday and yes the Bible says not to live for acts alone but lets use some commen sence people, if your really living for God ITS GOING TO SHOW IN THE WAY YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE!!! If you don't beleve the Bible don't you dare call yourself Christian...don't you dare blasphem the name of my God! Dangit people wake up and smell the death! People are dieing everyday because of we Christians who won't pick up a Bible and just read it because "It's too hard to understand" ug, the Bible says that is you read the Bible and pray for understanding that the Holy Spirit will come down and give us understanding! The Holy Spirit is our teacher! And yeah living by Biblical standards is hard but guess what...LIFE IS HARD! It doens't get any easer when you become a Christian, and if it does your doing something wrong....study the Word...take every Word as the Word of God..apply it, live it...and maybe those who are watching us..waiting too see a real Christian with a real passion for the real Lord will finally see it, and you might actually be that light that the Bible talks about. *huff puff* yeah I'm angry...this is a passion that burns right down to the very depths of my soal and will not let go...if you live everyday to strive to be more like Jesus, if you live by Biblical standards and flee from even the appearance of evil..you have the right and the honor too wair the name of Christ as a badge on your uniform as you go into battle, but if you don't...if you don't even read the Bible, you have no real desire to live as Jesus did and you just coast through life....don't blasphem the name of the Most High with your idol words and lies...cause your not Christian, sorry if this offends you but your not. I think its time that we as Christians took a step back and took a deep look into our lives and examened our hearts...you know, the Bible says to live in constant prayer...do we even pray once a day? At all?

And I know someone is going to write something on my tag board abuot how I'm wrong about everything and this and that...look, all I'm saying is we as Christians better not be living as the world does. This is Biblical people...we live to be more like Jesus...not more like the world that we know is going to hate is...

I guess what I'm saying is...let them hate us for the Joy in our hearts and our proclemation of our faith...don't let them mock us for not living as Christians should...
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