Tuesday, February 03, 2004
The Ski Trip
yeah, so last weekend we went on the ski trip, here is a few moments I remember that will be written in story kinda mode :P just cause thats my fav way of writing.

Your sleeping on the floor in your room at the inn in Colorado, you wake up to see Brett's face and your startled, you shake off the groggyness and realise he was just waking you up cause its time to get in the shower and clean up before quiet time and worship. So you do your stuff and then spend some time with the Lord and your just blessed that you can. You watch as Denver walks outside and you see the snow...and your heart races just slightly and you grab your shoes and walk outside and the sight takes your breath away. You see the mountains in the distance and the snow on the ground and you just pray to God thanking Him for everything. Then as you look to your side you see at the other end of the building someone simply prasing God. And your heart is filled with a great joy. Its the most beautifull thing in the world too see someone just worshiping God..and you think to yourself wow. That moment will stick with you for a long time, a worshiper amungst the snow with the moutains in the background. Its incredable.

Now you take a step into the slight past and your in the front seat of a car, just heading to Colorado...no, before that your standing there as Brett gives you the list of what car people will be riding in. You take in the names and one name makes you take a second look and you glare up at God slightly because you know what He's trying to do and your not amused. Now your sitting in that car, Pat is driving and your just taking it in. Its odd because you have avoided this one person for almost the entire internship because...you really don't know, maybe this person just gave you a bad feeling...maybe it was fear. Yeah, you finally admit it was fear...because you felt as if you would clash right away. And yet, as you listen, as you talk and take in this person's wisdom, or sometimes just taking in this person's personality, your starting to realise that maybe...just maybe prejudging is wrong. And that you missed out on a few months of what might of been a cool friendship...but now is the time for beginnings and you start anew.

In this weekend I learned alot, its odd cause I came on the trip to kinda get away from the lessons I have been learning and the growing, I just kinda was excited to just be lazy but in all that I found out that I learned alot more about myself in a few days then I did in a long time here...its kinda crazy but you know...on trips like that its the relaxed atmosphere that alows you too get to know people quicker...at least those are my thoughts. I mean, getting to know Anny, or seeing Rechelle worshiping or talking with Pat or watching Caroline just be herself, or bugging Brett or talking with Tiff or...just being amused at how Brent is when he's in his zone. Its amazing. The people you hang with all the time, or at least see everyday you never really know untill you take them out of the walls and away from the sceduals and just take a road trip somewhere.

It was so amazing to get to know you guys and gals, the people that went on the ski trip had fun, and at last for me it was truly a growing experance. And I'm excited to see where these new found relationships go and other stuff like that.

Well, I better head off, have a few more things to do before my 9:00 exercise :) peace out.
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