Wednesday, February 11, 2004
In the insane mind if an insane being....
it takes something very special to think the way I do...sometimes I tend to think of that form of special like the kind of special that rides on the short bus to school. I don't know where my ramblings come from, its not like I speak as well as I write. In fact its not like I speak what I write at all...where does it come from?

The thoughts in this mind are so random but there is a focus, even if you don't see it I do.

Why can you beleve in evolution when its even more impossable then the idea of a creator? These are the questions that run through my head as I talk to people, as I try to understand how they can beleve something false.

The world lies to us, thats why. The lies of the world are sweet sounding and make us think that we are in fact in control...our own creators.

Jesus was real, it has been proven...he fulfilled over 300 proficies written over 200 years before he ever came down to the the Bible and you'll find out the truth...and yet the truth is hard to take in because there is some level of faith that is needed...but howcome it is so much easer to beleve in a theroy that has been proven invaled a hundred times over then in truth that when people try to disprove ends up bringing people to Christ because it proves to be true.

Take Josh McNowl for instance (name might not be spelled right) he sought out after university with one goal in disprove and basicly mock the Bible but in the stages leading up to him writing his book "evidance that demands a verdict" he found out tha indeed the Bible is factual and it is truth. It has happend over and over and yet people won't...why? because the lie is so comforting in a world that loves its lie.

"I don't need God, he has never done anything for me" no kidding, He loves you but you won't let Him in so of course he's not doing anything. The two things he askes before anything is to love Him and love people. You know what? If its all about you then go ahead and live the lie, but you know what? Its not about you. Its not about what He can do for you and what you can get out of Him. He is not a vending matchine my friends He's a loving awsome GOD. He wants a relationship with you, He doesn't want to just give you what you want so you can forget him and go on your marry way.

I don't get it...but now I have class so I'll continue later.
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