Wednesday, February 11, 2004
The continuence of an insane mumbling rant...
So after a class of teachings of faith...I am at peace. Before class I was shot with a holy anger at the simple complexity of a world's lie then I remember this one fact. That all some people think Christianity is is a religion...heck even most Christians take it as such...a religion. I hate religion. Christianity is not about that, its about that personal relationship with your creator. Plain and simple. In a world where Christianity has sprouted from catholisism I can see how we have dived so deep into religion we have lost all sence of what a true relationship with the one true God makes sence...but that doesn't make it right.

And now we live in an age where people deny God because they don't want to be bound by the rules of religion. People rebel because they want to be in control...and yet...

They still want to be loved...

we all want to be loved, its in our nature as we are created in the image of God, heck even God Himself wants to be loved..thus the reason of our creation and the reason for our free will. Because he wants us to love Him freely. The part that is interesting about God is the fact that God loves us even when we spit in His face and turn our backs. As many people have.

Where is God...

the question we all ask ourselves...Christians I think ask this question more then the unbelevers...because we fall into the trap of religion and get trapped my religious law and complacency. And yet if your seeking Him and loving Him and loving people and just being real...God is there. You see God and you'll see that indeed He loves us more then we could ever imagine.

And the sceptics cry out...

meh, you know what though? Indeed God's heart is to have a relationship with everyone, and when the time comes all will bow down to worship Him...everyone. This fills me with a sence of joy but at the same time...

we all have a purpose...

if your living for God, loving Him and loving you seek His face you start to see why you where created...yes my friends, having a relationship with God can give you the answer to the question "why am I hear" because we are all created with a purpose. Sad part is, most of us never live out that purpose cause we're too busy worrying about our own petty problems. Thats right folks...your own petty little problems that you think are sooooo big, but they are really nothing. Look somebody in the eye who is living in the ditch without a friend or any family in the world and tell them your huge problem and I'm sure you'll get an interesting responce. The thing is its so easy for God to take those problems and turn them around, to make them work for you instead of against you and yet...we just wollow in our own self pitty. Cause our problem is much to big for the creator...the God who's outstreched hand is larger then all the universe...yeah, tell that to the starving kids across the sea.

I sound angry...

yep. because people like to sit and be depressed with life..because they can't find a girl or they might not be able to afford next weeks rent or whatever...and yes a few of these things are worthy problems in life but why not take it up with the One who created you and you might find out why something is happening or that he has been trying to give you what you need the entire time...he just needed you to ask.

"But I don't beleve in your God..."

Thats ok. Cause he still beleves in you and loves you anyway...and when your in that time of need and you choose to do it your way again and the effects of your choice get you through in the moment...just so you can once again be stuck in it the next month...he will weep with you and cry out to you to just give that situation to Him. When you cry so does He...for He loves you more then you will ever really know. And when you truly give that up to Him, when you truly see that a relationship with the creator is worth more then anything of this earth..when you finaly see that God isn't just the big vending matchine in the sky and that its a two way will see Him.

Where is God?

God is in love. For God is love.

Why am I writing this? I have no idea...its just the emotion of the day I guess.

How does one obtain this relationship with the creator?
Just ask Him into your life...not by words but with your Him and he will come to you. Gather into Him and He will gather into you. And though the enimy will try hard to make you fall and make you stumble away...always remember that God is love. That He will lift you up and take you to that safe place.

I love you all. Peace be with you today and always.

Serving in Faith,
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