Thursday, January 29, 2004
Reactions of money.
So, wait...hmm, its been a few hours and I might have forgotten the topic...hmm

o yeah, just a little note about something that just came to my mind as I was cleaning the steamline last night...

I was thinking about all the times it has been stated by people that work here that they took a "pay cut" and the thought crossed my mind...

Why is this stated?

I mean ok, its an interesting fact, but I think for the most part its stated for the simple shock value of it. This in some way amuses me and saddens me all at the same time. I mean, is it so hard to beleve that a man or woman in Christ took a pay cut to do God's work? Are our minds still so trapped in the world that we find it hard to beleve that anyone could truly give up so much to come work for such a ministry? The same ministry we gave up $6000 and one year of our lives for? And yet everytime someone says "and we came here, taking much less pay..." or whatever, you always get the wow from the crowd. Its interesting to watch peoples reactions to some things.

Like, its understandable, the whole purpose of life to most people is the aquiring of money, more money means happer life...and yes these people, these individuals gave up that thing to do God's work...wouldn't it be amazing if that didn't shock us? Like, If that was so common, to live for God instead of money that...someone taking a pay-cut for God's sake was the norm and people wouldn't have to state it for the simple shock value because in actuality it would not have any to give? Wouldn't the world be just a little more tolerable if the drive for cash wasn't so strong. So strong that it, even now...still staines most of our minds and still learks in the shadows of some of our lives. You can tell.

Ever wonder if money really is the root of all evil?

well, maybe not...cause it is needed for certain things, and truth be told whoever said that wasn't quoting scripture but just the same, I think I know where they are comming from. Even if the quote is somewhat flawed. Because we all know sin is the root of all evil. But money does form a root of evil inside our sinful nature. It learks there amungst the lust and the greed and just craves attention and we surly do give it what it wants sometimes.

Maybe thats just the way we are, the shock value of people who just don't need the extra bit of cash-flow amazes us, and maybe it should...maybe we should look to that and ask ourselves...would we be willing to give it all up for God? And before we look in amazment to those that have...ask yourself why...why is it so amazing? Cause maybe, just maybe thats the love of money thats laughing at the thought of giving it up.

peace out my friends.

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