Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Rants from the floor
As I watched the night go by from my rather uncomfterble position on the dorm room floor all I could do was smile before finaly closing my eyes and going to sleep. That evening I had the oppertuniny to get to know some of my new coremates...I had the opertunity to jam with fellow interns, and it was all around just one big blessing of a night. Even as I lay on the floor I look up to the white stecko above me and thank God for the people in my room. Even as thoughout the night I wrestle with my sleeping bag I sit up and look around the now very full room and feel at peace. A few of these people I don't know very well, others I feel like I have known for years...even if it has only been this past short 4 months or so.

Have you ever just sat and thought about nothing at all? Just one night when you can't really sleep just wake up and stare at whatever is above you and ponder the questions of the world? The great questions that have boggled so many of the self proclamed wise men of this world? Have you ever come to the conclusion that maybe the answer is just so simple, that the complexity within the minds of todays philisohical thinkers just can't quite come down to the simplisity of this world. I know the answers to life's questions cause I ask the questions to the one being that knows them all, the one true God...am I a wise man? Neh...I'm not that far yet, do I know a whole buch? neh, but God has given me the ansewers to the important questions of life. So many times we try to do these things on our own and forget that maybe, just maybe God just might have the answer. We forget so often that we have this communication...this relationship with the creator of everything...he knows why the sky is blue and why the grass is green ( I hear a "well technicly") its because God created it that way...I mean ok, so its bent light beams that make the sky blue but who created the sky? Who created the sun? We always try for the most complicated answers when its the simplist ones that lead you right back to the truth, and the true meaning of everthing.

Today as you sit in your quite space with God just, lift up your questions to Him, and be open to the simplisity of this world, as well as the awsome complexity of our Lord.

I think there is alot of peace of the Lord in the knowlege of the simplisity of life, when life tends to be over-whelming and you can't take it just look to the sky and see what God has made. Sure, the atmosphere might bend the light rays...but in the end, in the beginnings of everything God knew that fact when he created everything...he deals with the complex celculations of knowing just how to properly bend the light so we can bask in his beauty and glory with an awsomely blue sky. All we have to worry about is looking up and giving thanks to him for the day that brings his light apon us.

you all have a good day.
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