Thursday, January 29, 2004
And then there was another rant in one day…uh.
So I have a habit of forgetting my topics for these things and then I just end up ranting about nothing. But I had a topic…I had one…what was it?

Well, then…so yeah I had one but its gone so lets think up a new one.

O YES!!! I REMEMBER! Ok class, lets skip on ahead to the book of Judges, yes Jimmy its after Joshua, no Tina before Matthew, yes James its in the old testament. Everyone there? Good, turn to chapter 8 verses 33 through 35. Tim can you read it please?

So it was as soon as Gideon was dead, that the children of Israel again played the harlot with the Baals, and made Baal-Berith their god. Thus the children of Israel did now remember the LORD their God, who had delivered them from the hands of all their enemies on every side, nor did they show kindness to the house of Jerubbaal (Gideon) in accordance with the good he had done for Israel.

Ok, so does this irritate anyone else? Don’t you just want to slap everyone in Israel at that point in time? Like, if anyone where to create a time machine to go back in time I would be on the first trip back just so I could slap these people in the head and scream “STUPID!!!”.

So ok, lets back up a little bit. I have been studying the man known as Gideon due to the fact that in a month (maybe two now) I will be going down the road known as “Gideon’s Road”, as in I might want to know a little bit about the man before I go down his road. Turns out Gideon was a cool guy, he was called on by God to lead Israel out of the oppression of the Midianites. Now check this out, Judges 6:15 “So he said to Him (Him being God), ‘O my LORD, how can I save Israel? Indeed my can is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house.'” You can see this man doesn’t think highly of himself right? Well, seems that God did cause he ended up taking out the Midianies with only 300 men. It’s a crazy story, you should all read it if you have not already. Anywho so Israel is saved from these doods and life is good. Heck, they even want Gideon to be their king he was so good, but Gideon being the awesome man that he was said no cause it was all God and none of himself and also that God was the only king if Israel and nothing and nobody else could ever fill that role. So yeah, the day this guy dies they forget everything he did, forget everything God did to deliver them from the oppression of there people and begin worshiping that darn baal character….ug. This is Chris shaken, not stirred…

Ever wonder if that was going to happen to you? I mean, you do amazing things throughout your life, follow God’s plan for your life to a tee change the lives of everyone you meet, then the day you die ..everyone you had an impact on just decides to go back to there old sinful ways…makes one shutter just thinking about it doesn’t it? Its interesting to cause today we learned all about leadership and how one of the signs of a good leader is the leaders that are formed out of the wake of your leadership. Leaders rising up after you. And you think “I hope and pray that they got something from what I tried to teach them.” Then you suddenly remember they will only remember what God placed into their hearts and none of your own words and it places you at ease just slightly. I still wanna slap some Israelites. But the lessons are here for a reason, and Gideon’s story is placed in the Bible by God for a reason. Praise God. Just makes one wonder at times.

I guess that’s kind of a pride issue as well isn’t it? Worrying about how our legacy will be upheld after we go off to be with Jesus. Cause in all reality its God’s plan and its Him working though you. So, whatever happens after you pass on is nothing to worry about cause its in God’s hands. And that’s that.

Peace out.

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