Monday, December 01, 2003
Its interesting, as I have so much to say sometimes yet do not have the words to fully express myself in the way that I truly wish to be hurd. As I learn these things I look to all those who I know and my heart cries out for those who don't know Christ, that stand up against God becuase of the bad things in there lives. I just have alot to pour out, alot that God had placed on my heart that needs to be said and this can't be the only form of releace...I have to get out and share it in person to truly speak in faith and to share this passion and light others in the passion as well.

Am I making sence? Probably not, just one of those days I don't really care what I write as long as I get things out on the screen. People rely don't understand how excited I am to come home, even for only a few weeks..not only to once again be with friends and family but also to share some of the wisdom of God with others, plant the seed of wisdom in the hearts of those who want to seek Him more. Speaking as a person that fell away from God so far only a few months back and looking at what God has done in this life and seeing what He has done in the lives of others and knowing He wants to work in the hearts of everyone to allow them to see past the religion of Christianity and to see the relationship of being a follower...a deciple of the living God, Jesus Christ

well, to cut a long story short, I'm excited :) well, gtg, peace.

Serving in Faith
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